Extreme Short-Term Missions
The type of independent missions that take you to isolated areas or remote tribes cost considerably more than your average trip with any mission organisation, though you can tie up with specialist agencies and NGOs.
Can Boys Become Girls? Gender Dysphoria: Is it Rooted in Childhood Abuse, Social Contagion or Confusion?
A shocking report from the Biden administration reveals that underlying trauma, including childhood abuse, occupies a significant role in the mental health crisis that is disproportionately affecting LGBT+ people.
Kingdom Advancement – Sowers, Reaper and Builders
The Bible speaks of Sowers, Reapers and Builders, and in the Kingdom of God we all have our part to play.
The Collapse of the United States: A Time-Traveller from 1950 Visits the US in 2023
The year is 1950 and a time-travelling anthropologist returns from America in 2023, to issue his verdict on the future of the United States. This is what he observes: “We are about to bring a terrible disaster on ourselves” (Jeremiah 26:19)
Social Justice and the Mission Field
Christianity spread around the globe with the idea of the fundamental equality of mankind, but on your short-term mission (STM) abroad you may witness some disturbing sights including inequality, oppression, slave labour and poor animal welfare.
Prophetic Words and Prophecies – Why do they Fail to Come to Pass?
We’ve all heard someone at church with a vision, prophecy or dream of something tremendous that will happen and it never comes to pass. Why is this?
What Has Gone Wrong with the West? This is the Age of Absurdity
The West is reaping the whirlwind of decades of rebellion against God. This is the Age of Absurdity, where feelings replace facts and the ‘experts’ are confused about the basics: What is a woman?
Financing Short-Term Missions
There are many methods of raising support and obtaining your financial needs for your short-term mission.
Missionary Giants of the Faith – William Carey, Hudson Taylor & C.T. Studd
The men of faith that changed the world. What can we learn from them?
Short-Term Missions in the Bible
Abraham must have been pestered and perhaps even cross-examined by his family when God called him to go on his mission, leaving as men would say, ‘a certain for an uncertain good.’