Social Justice and the Mission Field
Christianity spread around the globe with the idea of the fundamental equality of mankind, but on your short-term mission (STM) abroad you may witness some disturbing sights including inequality, oppression, slave labour and poor animal welfare.
Financing Short-Term Missions
There are many methods of raising support and obtaining your financial needs for your short-term mission.
Missionary Giants of the Faith – William Carey, Hudson Taylor & C.T. Studd
The men of faith that changed the world. What can we learn from them?
Where is the Bible’s Lost Ark of the Covenant?
The Ark of the Covenant was the greatest treasure in Solomon’s Temple, but when Jerusalem fell the Ark vanished from history. Our investigation into the lost Ark is referenced in the Daily Express.
Short-Term Missions in the Bible
Abraham must have been pestered and perhaps even cross-examined by his family when God called him to go on his mission, leaving as men would say, ‘a certain for an uncertain good.’
Rees Howells’ God Challenges the Dictators Book Review by Gordon Pettie
Not only did Rees Howells pray through to victory in World War II, but his book on dictators was even sent to Hitler. Wrote Gordon Pettie in his latest book review for HEART.
Why is the Church in Decline in Britain?
The number of people identifying as Christian in England and Wales has dropped 13.1% in the ten years from 2011. The 2021 Census reveals 46.2% of the population, representing 27.5 million people, think of themselves as Christian. Why the fall?
Thirteen Waves of Christian Missions
Historically, there have been at least thirteen distinct waves of Christian missions with new missionaries, short-term and long-term, being raised up and sent forth into God’s harvest fields.
Christian Traveler’s Network Podcast!
Mathew Backholer had the honour of being a guest speaker on the Christian Traveler’s Network podcast. Mathew had a great time chatting with Sarah about all things budget travel and how to share Christ with others on your journeys.
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