Revelations, Healing, Spiritual Gifts and Miracles
The Seven Trumpets in the Book of Revelation
Seven angels will blow different trumpets during the seven years of judgment known as the Tribulation, which will unleash a series of shocking manifestations of God’s wrath on the earth. Many will turn to Christ for salvation.
666 – The Mark of the Beast and the End Times Antichrist
666 is coming. Envisage a future where all the data feeds about your life are collated, quantified and stored on one data stream by an electronic chip embedded into your skin, on your right hand or forehead.
Who are the 144,000 in Revelation?
The 144,000 are men chosen by God out of the twelve tribes of Israel, who will be anointed with the power to win a great harvest for the Kingdom of God. They will be the most powerful witnesses ever on earth, reaping a great harvest for the Lord during the Tribulation period.
Israel’s Peace Treaty with the Antichrist
The goal of the Antichrist armies will be to capture Jerusalem and establish an Antichrist presence in the restored Third Temple on the Temple Mount. The Lord Jesus Christ warned of this when He spoke of an ‘Abomination of Desolation,’ standing in the holy place at the Temple.
How can I speak in Tongues? What is the Gift of Tongues by the Holy Spirit?
The gift of tongues is the ability to speak in a spiritual Heavenly language. When you receive the gift, you can pray in tongues for private prayer and edification, and when a Christian prays in tongues, the Holy Spirit will bypass the mind and pray perfect prayers!
A Prayer to Break Curses and Release God’s Blessing
Generational curses can be broken in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and by the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. The following are three keys to aid you...
Rees Howells and the Welsh Revival
The Welsh Revival beginning in 1904 swept throughout Wales, transforming communities as thousands flooded into the body of Christ. Through repentance and faith, they forced the powers of darkness back as the Kingdom of God advanced forcefully.
The Nephilim: Who were they? Angels, Demons or Aliens?
The Bible describes a mysterious ancient people called the Nephilim with angelic origins. Who were they and what happened to them?
Who is the Antichrist? Twenty Signs from Scripture
The Bible predicts an evil dictator will come to power before the end of the world and he will charm his way into power. The Antichrist will be a highly skilled politician and he will be an inspirational speaker, able to exploit demonic magnetism to mesmerise people out of their freedom.
How Does God Speak to Us?
God speaks to people in different ways. He directed Joseph by several dreams. He spoke to Moses from the burning bush in an audible voice (Exodus 3:2-4), and He led the Israelites in the wilderness by a pillar of cloud and fire (Exodus 13:21). He also spoke to the Israelites via the Urim and Thummim (Numbers 27:21).