Revival & Missions
Articles about Revival, Missions and much more
Israel’s Peace Treaty with the Antichrist
The goal of the Antichrist armies will be to capture Jerusalem and establish an Antichrist presence in the restored Third Temple on the Temple Mount. The Lord Jesus Christ warned of this when He spoke of an ‘Abomination of Desolation,’ standing in the holy place at the Temple.
Rees Howells, Life of Faith, the Long-Awaited Sequel to Rees Howells Intercessor
The famed intercessor and missionary, Rees Howells, preached thousands of times, but until now his authentic voice has not been heard. Rees Howells, Life of Faith was commissioned by Rees' son Samuel Rees Howells in the 1960s as the sequel to Rees Howells Intercessor, but was lost in development until now.
Christian Traveler’s Network Podcast!
Mathew Backholer had the honour of being a guest speaker on the Christian Traveler’s Network podcast. Mathew had a great time chatting with Sarah about all things budget travel and how to share Christ with others on your journeys.
Intercession, Standing in the Gap and Believing God
How intercession can save the West from the demonic agenda, as we reclaim the land for the glory of God. It’s time to stand in the gap.
The Second Coming of Jesus
The Bible describes two specific events concerning the return of Jesus Christ to earth. Beforehand, there’s an event which will happen in the twinkling of an eye. Jesus will Rapture believers and meet the Church in the clouds. By doing this, God will spare committed Christians from suffering during the Tribulation period.
What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?
You will never forget the first time you invite the Holy Spirit to enter you and transform your life. ‘It was like the rain of peace falling upon me and then the floodgates opened.’
The Environmental Delusion: Electric Vehicles are not Eco-Friendly
We’re living through an era of ‘The Green Scandal,’ where the poor are sacrificed for the vanity projects of the rich. These activists don’t care that the poor are losing access to cheap food, energy, travel and housing in the rush to go green. The ‘green experts’ worship mother nature, instead of the Creator.
A Third Temple in Jerusalem will be Built
The Bible declares a Third Jewish Temple will be constructed on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and it will become a source of controversy throughout the world. Temple sacrifices will commence and the Antichrist will raise hate against the State of Israel.
The Dictator’s Lies of Peace
Rees Howells - because of the prediction of “the downfall of Hitler and the Nazi regime,” the College was bound to stand with the Prime Minister in stating that the war must be continued “until Hitlerism is overthrown.”
How can I speak in Tongues? What is the Gift of Tongues by the Holy Spirit?
The gift of tongues is the ability to speak in a spiritual Heavenly language. When you receive the gift, you can pray in tongues for private prayer and edification, and when a Christian prays in tongues, the Holy Spirit will bypass the mind and pray perfect prayers!