Intercession, Standing in the Gap and Believing God
How intercession can save the West from the demonic agenda, as we reclaim the land for the glory of God. It’s time to stand in the gap.
Rees Howells Intercessor is now on Instagram, TikTok & Twitter!
Rees Howells Intercessor is now on Instagram, TikTok & Twitter. Follow @reeshowellsintercessor on social media for exclusive photographs, videos, quotes & images.
The Dictator’s Lies of Peace
Rees Howells - because of the prediction of “the downfall of Hitler and the Nazi regime,” the College was bound to stand with the Prime Minister in stating that the war must be continued “until Hitlerism is overthrown.”
Samuel Rees Howells is now on Instagram, TikTok & Twitter!
Samuel Rees Howells is now on Instagram, TikTok & Twitter. Follow @SamuelReesHowells on social media for exclusive photographs, videos, quotes & images.
Rees Howells and the Welsh Revival
The Welsh Revival beginning in 1904 swept throughout Wales, transforming communities as thousands flooded into the body of Christ. Through repentance and faith, they forced the powers of darkness back as the Kingdom of God advanced forcefully.
God Will Deliver us from the Dictators by Rees Howells, 1939
‘Is the day coming when our country will have to look to God and to Him alone, to deliver us from this black spectre of Hitlerism?’ wrote Rees Howells in late 1939. ‘Will God have to step in as He did in Biblical times to deliver our nation, because we are fighting solely for freedom and religious liberty?
Dictators Defeated and Gospel Advance
Rees Howells lived for the fulfilment of Jesus’ Great Commission, the Gospel to Every Creature, and he believed that Hitler (Nazism) and Mussolini (Fascism), the dictators of Germany and Italy, would have to be defeated for the peaceful work of world evangelisation to continue.
The Power of Prophetic Praise and Worship
Rees Howells embraced worship as warfare and participated in it daily. The Holy Spirit taught him the power of prophetic declarations and prophetic praise.
Putin’s Folly and Gideon’s Army in Ukraine
The people of Ukraine are praying in their streets, singing gospel hymns in their underground bunkers and appealing to the West to provide them with the means to halt the dictator’s army. In this battle of prayer and might, Psalm 31 has become the national anthem of supplication for Ukrainians, as they worship, weep and plead God’s Word from their bomb shelters.
Books, ByFaith News, Intercession, Mathew Backholer, News, Prayer, Rees Howells, Samuel Rees Howells
Rees Howells: The New Book
New book out now! Rees Howells believed in worship as warfare and prophetic declarations made in song. His team of intercessors compiled a series of hymns, songs and poems which declared God's will into the world...