A Brief Overview of Each Book of the Bible – Part 1
This is an excerpt from the book ‘Christianity Rediscovered, In Pursuit of God and the Path to Eternal Life: Book 1’ by Mathew Backholer.
God’s Refining Fire and Hope for Renewal
The Bible says God ‘will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver’ (Malachi 3:3). A silversmith was once asked to explain his purpose in holding silver in the fire. He revealed when one refines silver, it must be held in the centre of the fire where the heat is at its most intense until the flames burn away all impurities. This was something familiar to people in the ancient world who heard the Prophet Malachi. Think about the times when you are in a hot spot in life. Do you wonder why God allows you to stay there? The silversmith revealed he never abandons the silver. He holds the…
How to Protect your Skin from the Sun
Sunlight exposure is a wonderful source of vitamin D, which is essential for healthy bones. Vitamin D is created by our body from direct sunlight on our skin when we’re outdoors. Too much exposure to the sun can cause damage to the skin. We need to find the balance between getting enough vitamin D from sunlight and protecting our skin. Follow these simple rules for safety in the sun. 1. Wear sunscreen on all exposed skin. Protect yourselves from the sun’s harmful UV rays by wearing the right level of protection. Adults should apply approximately two teaspoons of sunscreen for your head, arms and neck. Whilst wearing a swimming costume,…
Mental Health and the Struggle for Peace in Your Mind
Do you feel overwhelmed with negative thoughts and feelings? “What’s the point? I’m rubbish at everything. Everyone hates me. I’m disgusting.” Many people feel their mind is swamped with fear, personal insecurity, doubt and self-loathing. Confronting these negative thought patterns and overcoming them is the battle of the mind. God is on your side. To begin, we must understand who our enemy is and what tactics he uses in this struggle for our mental health. In John 8:44, Jesus explains Satan is real and he is the father of all lies. He is the most effective liar in the world. Satan is not a cartoon character but an evil spirit.…
Healed! Hezekiah’s Miracle in Modern Times
The Lord who worked in the lives of His people in the Old Testament is still working in the lives of His people today. Remember the story of King Hezekiah’s illness in 2 Kings 20? Hezekiah was at the point of death and was told by the Lord to put his house in order because he would not recover. King Hezekiah cried before the Lord and asked God to remember his faithfulness. The Lord heard and gave him another fifteen years and confirmed it with a sign. Dave Chang experienced something like this in his church. An elder diagnosed with liver cancer was told by all his doctors he had…
Set Me on Fire for you Jesus! Has Your Faith in God Stagnated? God’s Word Promises Restoration
Don’t be discouraged if your faith has stagnated, God can send the fire of the Holy Spirit upon you again. He did it before, He can do it again. Many Christians who were once on fire for God feel their faith has stagnated. Some once had faith to believe they would go into the world and change it. Sadly, many years on, it was the world which changed them. Take courage, God’s word promises restoration. In the time of the Prophet Joel people lived through an economic crisis. Locusts destroyed the harvest. God’s response was this: “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten,…
How to Seek God – Guidance from the Bible
‘Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with Me’ (Revelation 3:20).
Never Give Up Hope For Healing
For almost twenty-three years Delia Knox was paralysed from the waist down after a drunk driver smashed into her car on Christmas Day 1987. But a visit to the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival, at Mobile Bay, Alabama, transformed her life.
Scriptural Inspiration for Evangelism and World Missions
Do you have a passion to obey Jesus and help complete the Great Commission? Do you want to reach the world with the gospel? Follow this sage advice from the Bible.
What is Christian Revival?
The word ‘revival’ is used to explain the amazing results of a sovereign outpouring of the Spirit of God, when people are saved and communities are changed and become God-fearing.