A New Spiritual Awakening – Does the Bible Promise another Christian Revival is Coming?
The demonic spirits of cynicism and unbelief are trying to rob the Church in the West of the promise of a new spiritual awakening. These evil spirits say, “Those days are past.” Whom do you believe – the enemy or God? It shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. And also on My menservants and on My maidservants, I will pour out My Spirit in those days. And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: Blood and fire and…
Feelings, Faith and the Mind – How to Live Beyond the Emotional Roller Coaster
God invented feelings. He gave them to you to enhance your life; not to dominate it. Have you ever felt sky-high one moment and crashed down to earth the next? Listening to your feelings about your self-worth is a mistake. They are not the arbiter of truth. Your feelings cannot tell you who you are in Christ; only your will can do this. One of the seven manifestations of the fruit of the Holy Spirit is self-control. You have the ability, in Christ, to tell your feelings to be quiet. “I feel depressed. I feel God is angry at me. I feel stupid for praying out loud at church. I…
A Brief Overview of Each Book of the Bible – Part 3, The New Testament
This is an excerpt from the book ‘Christianity Rediscovered, In Pursuit of God and the Path to Eternal Life: Book 1’ by Mathew Backholer.
Christianity and Art: The Pre-Raphaelites
‘He has filled them with skill to do all manner of work…in blue, purple, and scarlet… and those who design artistic works’ (Exodus 35:35). You’ve been told The Mona Lisa is the greatest artwork in the world. That’s clever marketing after its theft and return. For most of its life, those with access to The Mona Lisa walked past, ‘just another portrait.’ If you visit The Mona Lisa in the Louvre, Paris, expect a two-hour queue, followed by a brief glimpse of a painting at a distance, shrouded behind thick bullet-proof glass. No time to linger, examine and ponder. If you want art to take your breath away, discover the…
Live Your Life to the Full
God wants the best for you. Jesus came to give you life in all abundance. Sometimes we feel we have years and decades ahead. Yet, it is amazing how quickly time goes by. To live life to the extreme, we need to make the most of every day remembering how short life is. Make it your goal to follow God’s will today and enter into all He has promised for you – beginning now! This is what healthy living means – entering into all God has for you. Don’t waste a minute of your life, listen to what the Bible says life is: A shadow that disappears (1 Chronicles 29:15).…
A Brief Overview of Each Book of the Bible – Part 2
This is an excerpt from the book ‘Christianity Rediscovered, In Pursuit of God and the Path to Eternal Life: Book 1’ by Mathew Backholer.
Rees Howells Intercessor, Intercession, Revival and the Bible College of Wales
Rees Howells Intercessor Once the Holy Spirit took possession of him in 1906, Rees Howells, a Welsh miner, was led deeply into a ministry of intercession for many situations including healing, conversions and challenging death at home and abroad on the mission field. Called to a Life of Faith After several years of working at one of the hardest jobs a man can do – down the mine, cutting coal, he received a call to come out from wage-earning. Rees Howells declared in obedience to God, “I do believe You are able to keep me better than that mining company.” This was the beginning of forty years of praying for…
There’s Nothing Wrong with You: The Power to Think Better
There is nothing wrong with you. God created you in His image. There is no one like you on earth; not one with the same thoughts, ideas, feelings, experience, creativity and purpose. God chose you before the earth existed for a specific plan only you can accomplish. You are His workmanship. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made – Psalm 139:14 There may be something wrong with your thinking and choices, called sin, but you are more than your thoughts. God loves you, as you. However, there is a battle going on in your mind. Satan is bombarding you with thoughts designed to limit, hinder and…
ByFaith Media – Christian Inspiration on Parler
ByFaith Media is now on Parler and we’re uploading inspirational quotes, images and thoughts all the time. Follow us here. Search @ByFaithMedia on all social media platforms.
The Red Sea Crossing Evidence, A Miracle Repeated
In 1882 Egypt, a British general and statistician, Alexander Tulloch, chronicles firsthand evidence for the parting of the Red Sea. Without trying, he authenticates the possibility of the Red Sea miracle with eyewitness testimony. The Red Sea parted for a second time and a trusted scientist, known for his expert studies in volumes of statistical reports, catalogued it. His documentation provides us with a powerful reason to examine the biblical text for a second time. In the Hebrew text, the body of water the Hebrews crossed is literally called, ‘Yam-Suph.’ Translated into English as the ‘Red Sea,’ its true meaning is ‘Sea of Reeds.’ Experts have judged the modern Red Sea to be too wide and deep for a crossing…