Soul Food
Grow in Your Faith with Food for the Soul
The Bible’s Joseph in Ancient Egyptian History: Evidence for Joseph from Egypt
Evidence for the Bible’s Exodus. As we journeyed into what the Bible calls the Land of Goshen, we discovered excavations revealed a Semitic city called Avaris. This centre was vast and archaeologists found the foundations for many structures. The Semitic people who lived here became powerful and their leaders governed vast areas of ancient Egypt.
Why Believing in God Makes Sense
By expert scientific standards, human existence is improbable. Only the fine-tuning of the universe makes life possible. Any small fluctuation in the universe, from the force of gravity to the ratio of electron to protons would deem life impossible.
What does it mean to be Born Again? How can I know if my Faith in Jesus is Real? I’m such a sinner!
Dear Warren...If you don’t think your conversion is deep enough, return to the Bible. To me, your fears sound unfounded. Some people arrive at faith, having once been the worst of all sinners and when they are converted, it all seems dramatic, for others...
Honesty and Hope from God for Backsliders: The Cost of Backsliding
God loves you; this is the reason He is honest. Let’s be clear: Backsliders are the most miserable, unhappy people in the world.
Consumerism – You don’t need more stuff to feel better
You don’t need more stuff to make you feel better. Your value was settled at Calvary. The price paid for you is your value. Jesus’ blood tells you how much you are worth. Think about it. Dwell on the extent God went to redeem and love you.
Post-Impressionism: Christian Belief and Art Explored
“Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while” (Mark 6:31) We live in an unrelenting world of pressure; our calendars are full, schedules are overloaded and stress levels reach new highs. In our busy lives, we can forget to chart something important to God – come aside and rest. Be at peace, be still! We must not allow ourselves to become indefinitely busy, that we cannot hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit.
The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence
“There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful, than that of a continual conversation with God; those only can comprehend it who practice and experience it” – Brother Lawrence You can feel God in the kitchen. You can sense the Lord at work. You can know the presence of Jesus in menial chores. This was the message of Brother Lawrence, a peasant soldier who became a monk in seventeenth century France. Through patience, Lawrence learnt to still his mind and focus on God’s presence in all his dealings. He struggled at first with tedious chores in the monastery; travelling into the village for goods,…
There’s No Condemnation In Christ Jesus
Satan uses condemnation to keep you afraid. He reminds you of the past – your mistakes, sins and mishaps. He accuses you of being foolish, spiritually immature, sinful and stupid. He wants to shame you into inaction, to lock you into yourself, afraid to act. There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit – Romans 8:1 As Satan is the father of lies, you can flip everything he’s saying to you. When he says, “I can’t believe you did that, you wicked sinner,” you can flip the lie into the truth. “I thank God…
Biblical Archaeology – Has Jesus’ Tomb Been Identified?
Twenty years have passed since I entered the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. It’s a remarkable place and I recommend all to visit it, if in Jerusalem. Only the Garden Tomb provides believers with the experience and vistas, familiar to the disciples. But is it the actual place of Christ’s resurrection? Extensive research found the tomb dates to several centuries before Jesus’ life, along with other Iron Age tombs in the area. Sadly, this excludes the Garden Tomb as Jesus’ tomb, because the Bible says they placed Jesus’ body inside a newly cut tomb (Matthew 27:60). Also, the cistern in the garden bears the marks of crusader technology, nullifying hope of…
Can we Trust Scientists? Is Pseudoscience the New Science? Theories Masquerading as Facts: Who do you Believe?
In some quarters faith in science has become a religion. Christianity is not anti-science; it’s self-evident many of the Founding Fathers of modern science were practising Christians or ministers. They sought God’s handiwork in discovery. The coronavirus vaccines today prove science still has much to offer humanity, as we use the abilities given to us by God. Professor John Lennox once said, “Either human intelligence ultimately owes its origin to mindless matter; or there is a Creator. It is strange that some people claim that it is their intelligence that leads them to prefer the first to the second.” He adds, “I submit that, far from science having buried God,…