Revival & Missions

Articles about Revival, Missions and much more

  • Mathew Backholer,  Revival

    Christian Revival – The Promise and Meaning of a Spiritual Awakening

    On the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit fell in power and transformed Jesus’ disciples. We now identify this as the first revival of the Apostolic age. Suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance – Acts 2:1-4 This outpouring of God’s Spirit was the beginning of a spiritual awakening which has swept the world. It…

  • Christianity,  Current Events,  Economy,  Paul Backholer,  Prophetic Bulletins,  Revival

    The Crisis of the 2020s – What is God Saying? Ten Signs of the Economic and International Turmoil of 2021 +

    “What does God have to do to get our attention?” This is what a prophet said to me recently. Why do the nations refuse to seek the Lord? What will happen to get us on our knees? The Lord wants to save millions of souls. How bad will things get first? The 1857 Prayer Revival began in New York after an economic crisis. People were forced to think of greater things than money. The Coronavirus Pandemic has focused our attention on what is important. Looking ahead into the 2020s, there are signs of hope for God’s work. The Lord is good and wants our salvation. However, people tend to seek…

  • Mathew Backholer,  Revival

    God will be Glorified: Christian Revival is Not an Option, it is a Must

    Our nations are spiritually dry. Our churches need reviving and our people need salvation. God has a promise for us all. He will pour water on all who are thirsty and floods on the dry ground. The Lord will come and flood our nations with His Holy Spirit. This is what God says, “I MUST BE GLORIFIED.” Before all the people I must be glorified – Leviticus 10:3 He must be glorified and only in times of revival will nations turn to Him and glorify Him. God the Holy Spirit has transformed nations before and He can do it again. The Bible promises a flood of God’s power and we…

  • Book Review,  Culture,  Holy Spirit,  Paul Backholer,  Supernatural

    Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich – All shall be well

    “All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well” – Julian of Norwich Everything you need is found in Christ and all your heart truly desires, is found in Christ. Out of the abundance of God’s goodness, His love will flow into your soul. “God loved us before He made us; and His love has never diminished and never shall.” These are the words of Julian of Norwich, a woman living in self-imposed house arrest – permanent social distancing – in a single cell attached to the Church of St Julian, in Norwich, England. In her estrangement from the world, she found…

  • ByFaith News,  Intercession,  News,  Rees Howells

    Rees Howells – His Letters, Thoughts and Prayers during Trials

    It’s very exciting to announce the release of the new book Rees Howells’ God Challenges the Dictators, Doom of Axis Powers Predicted by Mathew Backholer. Discover the full story of the thrilling and fascinating chronicles of how Rees Howells wrote and published his only work: God Challenges the Dictators at the beginning of World War II. In his own words, Rees Howells describes his life of faith, the founding and ministry of the Bible College of Wales, his predictions and replies to controversy. Learn how his spiritual battles against Adolf Hitler and the spirit behind Nazism began several years before the war, as he predicted the destruction of the Third Reich, began…

  • Mathew Backholer,  Revival

    A New Spiritual Awakening – Does the Bible Promise another Christian Revival is Coming?

    The demonic spirits of cynicism and unbelief are trying to rob the Church in the West of the promise of a new spiritual awakening. These evil spirits say, “Those days are past.” Whom do you believe – the enemy or God? It shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. And also on My menservants and on My maidservants, I will pour out My Spirit in those days. And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth: Blood and fire and…

  • Holy Spirit,  Intercession,  Rees Howells,  Supernatural

    Rees Howells Intercessor, Intercession, Revival and the Bible College of Wales

    Rees Howells Intercessor Once the Holy Spirit took possession of him in 1906, Rees Howells, a Welsh miner, was led deeply into a ministry of intercession for many situations including healing, conversions and challenging death at home and abroad on the mission field. Called to a Life of Faith After several years of working at one of the hardest jobs a man can do – down the mine, cutting coal, he received a call to come out from wage-earning. Rees Howells declared in obedience to God, “I do believe You are able to keep me better than that mining company.” This was the beginning of forty years of praying for…

  • Healing,  Inspirational,  Paul Backholer

    Healed! Hezekiah’s Miracle in Modern Times

    The Lord who worked in the lives of His people in the Old Testament is still working in the lives of His people today. Remember the story of King Hezekiah’s illness in 2 Kings 20? Hezekiah was at the point of death and was told by the Lord to put his house in order because he would not recover. King Hezekiah cried before the Lord and asked God to remember his faithfulness. The Lord heard and gave him another fifteen years and confirmed it with a sign. Dave Chang experienced something like this in his church. An elder diagnosed with liver cancer was told by all his doctors he had…