Grow in Christ and Prepare for Your Calling
Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer by C.S. Lewis: Book Review
Imagine sitting at a table near C.S. Lewis and overhearing his conversations about prayer with his close friend. What you hear is not systemic theology, but observation, questions and revealing insights into Lewis’ mind, and devotional life
The Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis
The Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis feels like a forgotten secret. The author tears apart the formulaic science-fiction genre and explores new worlds with heightened mystery. In his three cryptic books, we find Lewis exploring his inner Jules Verne and stretching his wings in exploration.
Prophetic Words and Prophecies – Why do they Fail to Come to Pass?
We’ve all heard someone at church with a vision, prophecy or dream of something tremendous that will happen and it never comes to pass. Why is this?
Missionary Giants of the Faith – William Carey, Hudson Taylor & C.T. Studd
The men of faith that changed the world. What can we learn from them?
The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Silence in the face of evil is evil itself… Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act - Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Spiritual Warning Signals for Every Christian
Do you feel things are not good between you and God? Here are a few warning signals which could save you from backsliding and missing God’s best.
What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?
You will never forget the first time you invite the Holy Spirit to enter you and transform your life. ‘It was like the rain of peace falling upon me and then the floodgates opened.’
How can I speak in Tongues? What is the Gift of Tongues by the Holy Spirit?
The gift of tongues is the ability to speak in a spiritual Heavenly language. When you receive the gift, you can pray in tongues for private prayer and edification, and when a Christian prays in tongues, the Holy Spirit will bypass the mind and pray perfect prayers!
You Shook Hands With God! A Divine Awakening. The Beginning of Your Walk with Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit
When you were saved, it was like you shook hands with God for the first time and He said, “I’m alive,” and you replied, “Yes and I believe in You!” Now this introduction phase has taken place, you must learn how to become a friend of God, by walking with Him.
What does it mean to be Born Again? How can I know if my Faith in Jesus is Real? I’m such a sinner!
Dear Warren...If you don’t think your conversion is deep enough, return to the Bible. To me, your fears sound unfounded. Some people arrive at faith, having once been the worst of all sinners and when they are converted, it all seems dramatic, for others...