Prayer to Cancel Stress and be Calm
Stress can feel unmanageable and overwhelming at times. But God has provided us with the means to achieve freedom, calm and peace in His Holy Word. The declaration and biblical confession below will help you to find perfect peace, as you continue to press in for victory.
Discover 150+ declarations like this one in Spiritual Warfare, Prayers, Declarations and Decrees to Release God’s Blessing, Peace and Abundance by Paul Backholer.
Week 12, Page 130
I speak to all principalities and powers in the spiritual realm, and I cancel stress over my life in the name of Jesus. I refuse to live under the influence of stress and I reject the burden Satan is trying to impose. I speak to the spirit of stress and I command you to leave me in the formidable name of the Lord. I declare you assert no right in my life, nor in my family. I cancel all your claims against me and defy you, expelling you in Jesus Christ’s name.
The Bible declares God will keep me in perfect peace as I focus my mind on Him. Lord, regardless of the circumstances surrounding me, I put my trust in You. Today, I follow the great King who anointed David to slay Goliath, Joshua to defy the walls of Jericho and all Israel’s enemies, and Jesus, who overcame all. In the noble name of my God, I reject all fear and intimidation which comes with stress, and I humble myself under Your mighty hand O Lord, because You are my deliverer.
Holy Spirit, I seek Your guidance to carry the cross that Jesus calls me to embrace and to reject all else, for the Lord’s burden is light and His yoke is easy. Lord, impart to me the wisdom to lay down all the stress that comes from chasing false gods, such as money, prestige, position and power, and help me choose the right path. Father in Heaven, all I need is You and I ask for Your Holy Spirit to fill me and my home with the perfect peace of the Lord, and to fill them with all abundance, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Biblical Confession
Matthew 6:33-34
Jesus said, “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the tomorrow: for the tomorrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is its own trouble.”
Used with permission from Spiritual Warfare, Prayers, Declarations and Decrees to Release God’s Blessing, Peace and Abundance by Paul Backholer. Find out more about Paul’s books here.