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Rees Howells Intercessor is now on Instagram, TikTok & Twitter!
Rees Howells Intercessor is now on Instagram, TikTok & Twitter. Follow @reeshowellsintercessor on social media for exclusive photographs, videos, quotes & images.
The Dictator’s Lies of Peace
Rees Howells - because of the prediction of “the downfall of Hitler and the Nazi regime,” the College was bound to stand with the Prime Minister in stating that the war must be continued “until Hitlerism is overthrown.”
Samuel Rees Howells is now on Instagram, TikTok & Twitter!
Samuel Rees Howells is now on Instagram, TikTok & Twitter. Follow @SamuelReesHowells on social media for exclusive photographs, videos, quotes & images.
Top Money Saving Tips: Best Ways to Save on Spending and Survive the Inflation Storm
Prices are going up everywhere, so what can you do to save money? Follow these handy tips as you navigate this era of soaring inflation.
A Prayer to Break Curses and Release God’s Blessing
Generational curses can be broken in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and by the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. The following are three keys to aid you...
God Will Deliver us from the Dictators by Rees Howells, 1939
‘Is the day coming when our country will have to look to God and to Him alone, to deliver us from this black spectre of Hitlerism?’ wrote Rees Howells in late 1939. ‘Will God have to step in as He did in Biblical times to deliver our nation, because we are fighting solely for freedom and religious liberty?
ByFaith Media is now on TikTok!
Follow @ByFaithMedia on TikTok for Christian inspiration, Scriptures and insights. Search @ByFaithMedia on all social media platforms for further encouragement.
Jesus’ Unlawful Trial, His Death and Resurrection
This Easter, we remember the passion of our Lord. He came to live like us, teach us God’s truth and ultimately suffer and die for us. Christ came to conquer death through His sacrifice and resurrection. Jesus said, “I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die” (John 11:25).
Dictators Defeated and Gospel Advance
Rees Howells lived for the fulfilment of Jesus’ Great Commission, the Gospel to Every Creature, and he believed that Hitler (Nazism) and Mussolini (Fascism), the dictators of Germany and Italy, would have to be defeated for the peaceful work of world evangelisation to continue.