The Existence of God – You’re Made in God’s Image
You are not an accident because you’re made in God's image. A book is proof of an author. A poem is proof of a poet. A song is proof of a composer. A product is proof of a manufacturer. Creation is proof of a Creator.
Financing Short-Term Missions
There are many methods of raising support and obtaining your financial needs for your short-term mission.
Missionary Giants of the Faith – William Carey, Hudson Taylor & C.T. Studd
The men of faith that changed the world. What can we learn from them?
Where is the Bible’s Lost Ark of the Covenant?
The Ark of the Covenant was the greatest treasure in Solomon’s Temple, but when Jerusalem fell the Ark vanished from history. Our investigation into the lost Ark is referenced in the Daily Express.
Short-Term Missions in the Bible
Abraham must have been pestered and perhaps even cross-examined by his family when God called him to go on his mission, leaving as men would say, ‘a certain for an uncertain good.’
Rees Howells’ God Challenges the Dictators Book Review by Gordon Pettie
Not only did Rees Howells pray through to victory in World War II, but his book on dictators was even sent to Hitler. Wrote Gordon Pettie in his latest book review for HEART.
Thirteen Waves of Christian Missions
Historically, there have been at least thirteen distinct waves of Christian missions with new missionaries, short-term and long-term, being raised up and sent forth into God’s harvest fields.
Rees Howells’ Intercession Victory – Israel is Safe, the 80th Anniversary of World War Two Intercessions: Holy Land, Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Persia
Eighty years ago, on 15 November 1942, after months of intercession, Rees Howells declared, “The Bible Lands are safe!”
Rees Howells, Vision Hymns of Spiritual Warfare by Mathew Backholer now in Paperback
Rees Howells, Vision Hymns by Mathew Backholer is now available in paperback. Purchase your copy today for a rare insight into the prophetic declarations, hymns and choruses used in spiritual warfare by Rees Howells.
Spiritual Warning Signals for Every Christian
Do you feel things are not good between you and God? Here are a few warning signals which could save you from backsliding and missing God’s best.