Ezekiel’s Temple in 3D Explained
Why hasn’t Ezekiel’s Temple ever been built? God revealed the plans for this great Temple thousands of years ago, but no one has ever tried to build it. Imagine a Temple compound in Jerusalem so massive, it could hold an entire city. This is the story of Ezekiel’s Temple.
The Iran-Israel Crisis in the End Times
Israel, Iran and Hezbollah are now in a deadly conflict, with the potential of nuclear weapons changing our world forever. How did we get here, what happens next and what does it mean for biblical prophecy?
Netanyahu, the Third Temple’s Location and the Coming Messiah
Who told Netanyahu to prepare Israel for the Messiah, where will the Third Temple be built and what will happen to the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque? Will they be moved in peacetime, shattered by an earthquake or will it be shared sovereignty.
Red Heifer Third Temple Sacrifice News
The red heifer ceremony, a ritual steeped in biblical tradition, is stirring anticipation and controversy in the Middle East. This ancient practice, not performed in nearly 2,000 years, involves the sacrifice of a specific red heifer – a completely red, blemish-free young cow – as part of a purification process.
The Book of Revelation Chronology: An End Time Timeline by Paul Backholer
Israel is at war and we’re moving closer into the end times. Follow this chronicle of events to discover God’s master plan for the end of the age.
Ezekiel’s Temple: The Fourth Temple in Jerusalem, Israel
The Prophet Ezekiel received a vision from God concerning a Temple in Jerusalem, which has never been constructed. This Temple is described in Ezekiel chapters 40 to 48 and it retains a significant role to fulfil during the end times.
The Seven Bowls of the Book of Revelation and an Extinction-Level Event
The seven bowls in the Book of Revelation represent the seven last plagues God will send to judge the world in the end times. Seven angels will come out of the Lord’s Temple in Heaven with these last plagues and the Temple will remain closed until the wrath of God is complete.
The Seven Trumpets in the Book of Revelation
Seven angels will blow different trumpets during the seven years of judgment known as the Tribulation, which will unleash a series of shocking manifestations of God’s wrath on the earth. Many will turn to Christ for salvation.
Who are the 144,000 in Revelation?
The 144,000 are men chosen by God out of the twelve tribes of Israel, who will be anointed with the power to win a great harvest for the Kingdom of God. They will be the most powerful witnesses ever on earth, reaping a great harvest for the Lord during the Tribulation period.
Israel’s Peace Treaty with the Antichrist
The goal of the Antichrist armies will be to capture Jerusalem and establish an Antichrist presence in the restored Third Temple on the Temple Mount. The Lord Jesus Christ warned of this when He spoke of an ‘Abomination of Desolation,’ standing in the holy place at the Temple.