Ezekiel’s Temple in 3D Explained
Why hasn’t Ezekiel’s Temple ever been built? God revealed the plans for this great Temple thousands of years ago, but no one has ever tried to build it. Imagine a Temple compound in Jerusalem so massive, it could hold an entire city. This is the story of Ezekiel’s Temple.
Israel and Christians, A Biblical Case for Friendship with Israel
As Christians, we are called to stand with those God has chosen and to honour the lineage that brought forth the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
The Iran-Israel Crisis in the End Times
Israel, Iran and Hezbollah are now in a deadly conflict, with the potential of nuclear weapons changing our world forever. How did we get here, what happens next and what does it mean for biblical prophecy?
Netanyahu, the Third Temple’s Location and the Coming Messiah
Who told Netanyahu to prepare Israel for the Messiah, where will the Third Temple be built and what will happen to the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque? Will they be moved in peacetime, shattered by an earthquake or will it be shared sovereignty.
Red Heifer Third Temple Sacrifice News
The red heifer ceremony, a ritual steeped in biblical tradition, is stirring anticipation and controversy in the Middle East. This ancient practice, not performed in nearly 2,000 years, involves the sacrifice of a specific red heifer – a completely red, blemish-free young cow – as part of a purification process.
Six End Time Signs for Israel
There are six great end time signs concerning Israel that represent the harbinger of the end times.
20 Signs of the End Times
The Bible predicts earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes will break the sequence of normal life. Economies will crumble and infrastructure will break. Governments will shake and fall. This is just the beginning of the sorrows, including wars and rumours of wars.
The Book of Revelation Chronology: An End Time Timeline by Paul Backholer
Israel is at war and we’re moving closer into the end times. Follow this chronicle of events to discover God’s master plan for the end of the age.
Borders are Good! The Bible, Immigration, Refugees & Economic Migrants
Do modern slave traders control your borders? This is the question people avoid when confronted with the problem of chaotic, lawless borders. The Bible’s perspective on migrants, borders and immigration may shock you because the Holy Scripture is not woke!
What is the Rapture?
The Bible predicts a remarkable event will take place during the end times and just before a series of disasters overtake the earth in a period of intense Tribulation. The Scriptures declare that one second we will be living our ordinary lives and in the next, the Lord Jesus will seize us to meet Him in the air!