Christianity in The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien and The Bible
Tolkien was a devout Christian, religious thinker and author of The Lord of the Rings and its prequel, The Hobbit. Christian themes such as darkness and light, mercy and justice, fellowship, authority, repentance, free will and sacrifice are found throughout Tolkien’s epic.
Christian Books UK Stock Clearance
ByFaith Media has a massive stock clearance on books including signed copies! Whether you are interested in the life of Rees Howells, want to learn more about revival or are even planning your first short-term mission, we have a bargain for you! View all clearance here.
Borders are Good! The Bible, Immigration, Refugees & Economic Migrants
Do modern slave traders control your borders? This is the question people avoid when confronted with the problem of chaotic, lawless borders. The Bible’s perspective on migrants, borders and immigration may shock you because the Holy Scripture is not woke!
Money for your Short-Term Missions
Many Christians who go on a short-term mission (STMs) are happy to ask their church or fellow believers for financial support towards the trip. However, some may not feel able to ask for money towards their STM or like Abraham, after rescuing Lot, he refused the spoils of war from the King of Sodom, thus not allowing the king any opportunity to boast that he had made Abraham rich (Genesis 14:12-24). You may be surprised how many individuals or churches give small amounts towards STMs or nothing at all and then boast as if they entirely supported the mission team!
Spiritual Warfare eBook now available!
Spiritual Warfare is now available as an eBook! Spiritual Warfare contains powerful prayers, declarations and decrees to release God’s blessing into every area of your life, and to break the powers of darkness over you.
What is the Rapture?
The Bible predicts a remarkable event will take place during the end times and just before a series of disasters overtake the earth in a period of intense Tribulation. The Scriptures declare that one second we will be living our ordinary lives and in the next, the Lord Jesus will seize us to meet Him in the air!
ByFaith Media DVD Sale
ByFaith Media has a huge sale on their DVDs! Whether you are interested in global adventure travel, biblical mysteries, the Ark of the Covenant or the greatest Christian Revivals in Church history we have something to suit.
The English Language and the Bible, Common English sayings from Scripture
Most English-speaking people unknowingly pepper their speech with Scriptural citations which shape the English Language.
Did Dragons Exist? Leviathan, Behemoth & Fire-Breathing Dragons: What Does Science & the Bible Say?
The idea of fire-breathing monsters may sound far-fetched, but there are real-life animals that exhibit astonishing abilities to spew toxins, fumes and even spread fire to hunt prey. As the BBC explains, ‘All kinds of insects have developed chemical weapons.’
Prayer Victory Over Hopelessness and Despair – Decree a Blessing is Yours!
Sometimes we can feel hopeless and believe nothing will ever improve. But that is a lie from Satan sent to keep us bound. We must reject these feelings and embrace the power of God.