The Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ
Jesus and LGBT – What Did He Say?
To follow Jesus means accepting His judgment on sin, not redefining it. Jesus’ teachings on sex and marriage reflect a continuation of conservative Jewish theology rooted in the Torah, emphasising the sanctity of the male-female union as a Divine institution.
Church of the Nativity & The Birth of Jesus
Delve into the wonder of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, Israel, and explore the compelling evidence that points to this sacred site as the birthplace of Jesus Christ.
The Second Coming of Jesus
The Bible describes two specific events concerning the return of Jesus Christ to earth. Beforehand, there’s an event which will happen in the twinkling of an eye. Jesus will Rapture believers and meet the Church in the clouds. By doing this, God will spare committed Christians from suffering during the Tribulation period.
Jesus’ Unlawful Trial, His Death and Resurrection
This Easter, we remember the passion of our Lord. He came to live like us, teach us God’s truth and ultimately suffer and die for us. Christ came to conquer death through His sacrifice and resurrection. Jesus said, “I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die” (John 11:25).
The Battle of Armageddon and the Return of Jesus Christ to Israel
In St John’s revelation of the end times, God revealed to him that before Christ’s return to earth, the armies of an Antichrist dictatorship will descend upon Israel, and this evil army and their leader Antichrist will be defeated at the Battle of Armageddon.
You Shook Hands With God! A Divine Awakening. The Beginning of Your Walk with Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit
When you were saved, it was like you shook hands with God for the first time and He said, “I’m alive,” and you replied, “Yes and I believe in You!” Now this introduction phase has taken place, you must learn how to become a friend of God, by walking with Him.
What does it mean to be Born Again? How can I know if my Faith in Jesus is Real? I’m such a sinner!
Dear Warren...If you don’t think your conversion is deep enough, return to the Bible. To me, your fears sound unfounded. Some people arrive at faith, having once been the worst of all sinners and when they are converted, it all seems dramatic, for others...
There’s No Condemnation In Christ Jesus
Satan uses condemnation to keep you afraid. He reminds you of the past – your mistakes, sins and mishaps. He accuses you of being foolish, spiritually immature, sinful and stupid. He wants to shame you into inaction, to lock you into yourself, afraid to act. There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit – Romans 8:1 As Satan is the father of lies, you can flip everything he’s saying to you. When he says, “I can’t believe you did that, you wicked sinner,” you can flip the lie into the truth. “I thank God…
Biblical Archaeology – Has Jesus’ Tomb Been Identified?
Twenty years have passed since I entered the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. It’s a remarkable place and I recommend all to visit it, if in Jerusalem. Only the Garden Tomb provides believers with the experience and vistas, familiar to the disciples. But is it the actual place of Christ’s resurrection? Extensive research found the tomb dates to several centuries before Jesus’ life, along with other Iron Age tombs in the area. Sadly, this excludes the Garden Tomb as Jesus’ tomb, because the Bible says they placed Jesus’ body inside a newly cut tomb (Matthew 27:60). Also, the cistern in the garden bears the marks of crusader technology, nullifying hope of…