Revival & Missions
Articles about Revival, Missions and much more
Who is the Antichrist? Twenty Signs from Scripture
The Bible predicts an evil dictator will come to power before the end of the world and he will charm his way into power. The Antichrist will be a highly skilled politician and he will be an inspirational speaker, able to exploit demonic magnetism to mesmerise people out of their freedom.
The Cost of Living Crisis: Living on Debt and Money Printing Never Works
How long could your family live off a credit card? That’s the question confronting the United States of America and others. World governments have been borrowing to pay for a lifestyle we can’t sustain for over twenty years and the debt is spiralling. Just take out another credit card or print the money and the party will go on forever.
How Does God Speak to Us?
God speaks to people in different ways. He directed Joseph by several dreams. He spoke to Moses from the burning bush in an audible voice (Exodus 3:2-4), and He led the Israelites in the wilderness by a pillar of cloud and fire (Exodus 13:21). He also spoke to the Israelites via the Urim and Thummim (Numbers 27:21).
Climate Change Hypocrisy! The Poor will Suffer for the Rich
The green energy revolution is reforming the world and millions will suffer in dire poverty as a result. Billionaires in private jets have convinced politicians it is sinful for the poor to want affordable heat, food and travel. With energy prices soaring, the cost of food, energy and transport will become an impossible burden for the poorest in the world. Is this a price we should pay?
The Conviction of the Holy Spirit Versus the Condemnation of Satan
The Holy Spirit is gentle and loving, but Satan condemns and generates fear. How can we be certain if it's the Holy Spirit convicting us of sin or the devil seeking to hinder us?
Donald Trump as President in 2022 or 2024? Biden, Trump and America’s Future
Prophetic insights for 2022. Donald Trump as President in 2022 or 2024? Biden’s antichrist agenda, Trump and America’s Future.
Exciting New Book: The End Times, the Book of Revelation, Antichrist 666, Tribulation, Armageddon and the Return of Christ by Paul Backholer
In this exciting release for 10 January 2022, the long-anticipated sequel to Heaven, Paradise is Real is now available for pre-order. The End Times, the Book of Revelation by Paul Backholer unveils the deepest mystery of the Bible and the wonder of the return of Jesus Christ to earth! Unlock the Book of Revelation and discover what will happen in the last days.
Smith Wigglesworth’s Revival Prophecy
Smith Wigglesworth (1859-1947), known as the apostle of faith, moved in mighty signs and wonders, and even raised people from the dead! Shortly before he passed into glory he prophesied, “During the next few decades there will be two distinct moves of the Holy Spirit across the Church in Great Britain. The first move will affect every church that is open to receive it and will be characterised by the restoration of the baptism and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Stock Market Crash – The Everything Bubble, Tulip Mania and the Second Great Depression
Money was unlimited, everyone was getting rich and valuations for investors always went up. The greatest asset of them all was the tulip and everyone was gambling with them. You could buy a tulip for the equivalent of a few dollars and sell it later for the price of a house! This was the Netherlands in the seventeenth century.
Books, ByFaith News, Intercession, Mathew Backholer, News, Prayer, Rees Howells, Samuel Rees Howells
Rees Howells: The New Book
New book out now! Rees Howells believed in worship as warfare and prophetic declarations made in song. His team of intercessors compiled a series of hymns, songs and poems which declared God's will into the world...