ByFaith News
New information, books and releases from ByFaith Media
ByFaith Media – Christian Inspiration on Parler
ByFaith Media is now on Parler and we’re uploading inspirational quotes, images and thoughts all the time. Follow us here. Search @ByFaithMedia on all social media platforms.
Faith Not Fear – The Coronavirus Pandemic
In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, we’ve produced our #FaithNotFear campaign on social media platforms @ByFaithMedia. Please follow the best medical advice and do not give in to fear - keep trusting in God. We’re posting quotes from Scripture on resisting fear, and from Christian leaders who lived through plagues in history and how they responded in faith. You can find all the quotes together on our Pinterest page under the 'Faith Not Fear' board. Stay safe and keep the faith.
God Challenges the Dictators, Doom of the Nazis Predicted by Rees Howells
God Challenges the Dictators, Doom of the Nazis Predicted. The Destruction of the Third Reich foretold by the Director of Swansea Bible College, an Intercessor from Wales. By Rees Howells and Mathew Backholer. Available for the first time in 80 years: God Challenges the Dictators, Doom of the Nazis Predicted. Fully annotated and reformatted with digitally enhanced photos. Discover how Rees Howells built a large ministry by faith in times of economic chaos and learn from the predictions he made during times of national crisis, of the destruction of the Third Reich, the end of fascism and the liberation of Christian Europe during World War II. More information
Heaven, Paradise is Real, Hope Beyond Death An Angelic Pilgrimage to Your Future Home
Come on a journey to another world of eternal bliss, joy and light, in this enchanting narrative which pulls you in and shows you heaven. Meet those who have gone before into paradise and found eternal peace. Enter into the heavenly Jerusalem, with a man and an angelic guide to discover the truth about immortality, the afterlife and the joy of eternity. Discover the wonder of paradise, the Garden of Eden, the cloud of witnesses and be thrilled with loved ones reunited, with the hope of heavenly rewards. More information
Biblical Archaeology, ByFaith News, Culture, Documentaries, Mathew Backholer, Missions, Paul Backholer, Video
ByFaith TV Documentaries now on Amazon Prime Video
Look out for ByFaith TV productions and co-productions with other Christian TV producers on Amazon Prime Video.
Travel the World & Explore for Less than $50 a Day
Travel the World and Explore is the essential guide to traveling the world and exploring new destinations for less than $50 a day. For the solo backpacker or with friends this up-to-date practical guide will save you time and money with ideas, and need-to-know information so you can have the adventure of a lifetime from two weeks to one year. Full of global travelers’ advice, anecdotes and testimonies to make your trip cheaper, safer and more exciting than you could ever have imagined! Save money with tricks and tips to ease you into your travels abroad and reduce the pressure of traveling in new destinations. More information
Christian Inspiration on Pinterest
ByFaith Media is now on Pinterest and we’re uploading inspirational quotes, images and thoughts all the time. Follow us here.
Christianity Rediscovered, Book 1, by Mathew Backholer
Since the beginning of time mankind has asked, “Why am I alive, does my life matter and is there an afterlife I can prepare for?” Christianity Rediscovered has the answers and will help you find meaning, focus, clarity and peace. It reveals how to pursue God, invites direction, provides spiritual guidance and will motivate you to live a strong Christian life in the present whilst preparing for eternity. Christianity Rediscovered is rooted and grounded in the Bible and is written in an easy-to-read style with verses of Scripture printed in full, with practical advice, guidance and explanations. Intermingled throughout the book are quotes from leaders of the Christian faith which…
Daily inspiration, encouragement and adventure
Great news, more people are joining us on social media for daily inspiration, encouragement and adventure. Find more quotes like this one by liking and following @ByFaithMedia
The Ark of the Covenant – Investigating the Ten Leading Claims (New edition)
What happened to the Ark of the Covenant? The mystery of the Bible’s lost Ark has led to many myths, theories and claims being made, but do any of them have a shred of credibility? Now, join two explorers as they investigate the ten major theories concerning the location of antiquities greatest relic. Using professional archaeological reports, eyewitness accounts and personal exploration, from Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s tomb to Ethiopia’s underground rock churches, the investigators are able to eliminate popular myths and legends by searching for the truth in their quest for the Ark of the Covenant. More information