Israel, Gaza and Hamas. What You Need to Know by Gordon Pettie, Book Review
Israel, Gaza and Hamas, What you Need to Know by Gordon Pettie of Revelation TV, is a provocative exploration of a long-standing struggle for Israel’s survival, shattering the media’s narrative and urging readers to see beyond the surface. He exposes Hamas and its desire to destroy Israel, and proves that the UN and UNRWA are no neutral parties. This is a spiritual struggle.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms
– Ephesians 6:12
Through personal experience on his trips to Israel, the author delves into the strained relationship between Israel and its neighbours, and meticulously peels back layers of historical manipulation, revealing how Israel has been portrayed as the aggressor, through the process of altering the historical narrative and playing with people’s emotions.
Whilst defining antisemitism and proving Israel’s right to own the land, the book also shows Hamas’ well-documented history of terror and how it has abused the rights of Gazans. The author explains how the Charter of Hamas calls for the extermination of Israel and asks how can you negotiate peace with someone who plans for your genocide? Despite this, the media has painted Hamas as victims of an aggressive occupation by Israel, effectively manipulating public perception.
On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, “To your descendants I give this land, from the Wadi of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates”
-Genesis 15:18
By contrast, Israel has biblical and archaeological claims to all the disputed territory. Pettie details historical records that solidify Israel’s long-standing presence in the land, the legacy of Jewish history and how it is ignored in the presence of conflict.
Islamic law dictates that any land conquered by Muslims becomes permanently Islamic territory, regardless of the religion of its inhabitants. This concept, known as Dar al-Islam, obligates Muslims to fight to reclaim any land once under Islamic rule, even if it has been liberated by non-Muslims. This interpretation of Islamic law has been used to justify acts of violence, terror and aggression, and is the root reason why Hamas says it will never make a peace treaty with Israel.
Israel, Gaza and Hamas, What you Need to Know is a clarion call to readers to critically examine media narratives. By exposing media manipulation and false historical narratives, the author urges us to look beyond simplistic portrayals. The book compels us to actively seek out the truth about Israel and challenge the status quo. The author explains the root causes of the attack against Israel on the 7th October 2023 and how unspeakable crimes were committed against citizens of Israel and many other nations
The book also explains why the hosts of Revelation TV stand with Israel, giving personal testimony and documents why viewers need to see the situation from a biblical perceptive. At 271 pages, the book is an easy read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of conflict, historical manipulation, and the importance of critical and biblical thinking in a world saturated with misleading information.
This is not simply a historical account; it’s a potent critique of Western bias against Israel and its potential to distort reality. Whilst many Christians watching a biased presentation of the war in Gaza on the news will be concerned (remember the false reporting by the BBC of Israel bombing the al-Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza), we must recall that St. Augustine’s Just War Theory proposes that war is justified under specific conditions: it must be a last resort in response to a grave injustice, waged by a legitimate authority with good intentions and a reasonable chance of success. The potential benefits of the war must outweigh its harms, and it should aim to restore peace rather than inflict further suffering.
- BBC Bias and the Christian Foundation of the British Broadcasting Corporation
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By Paul Backholer. Find out about Paul’s books here.