Rees Howells, Vision Hymns of Spiritual Warfare by Mathew Backholer now in Paperback
Rees Howells, Vision Hymns by Mathew Backholer is now available in paperback and hardback. Purchase your copy today for a rare insight into the prophetic declarations, hymns and choruses used in spiritual warfare by Rees Howells.
Spanning the pivotal years of 1936-1948 and brought to life for the first time in more than seventy years. Many of the songs of worship reveal the theology, spiritual battles and history during the dark days of World War II and the years surrounding it. From Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, Hitler’s predicted downfall, to the nation of Israel being born in a day and the glories beyond.
Oh, sing to the Lord a new song! For He has done marvellous things; His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory
– Psalm 98:1