A Prayer to Break Curses and Release God’s Blessing
For I, the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments
– Exodus 20:5-6
Generational curses can be broken in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and by the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. The following are three keys to aid you and a prayer of faith to help set you free, to release God’s blessing into your life.
1. Renounce any known sins of your forefathers and works of darkness such as idolatry, adultery, false religions and occult practices, etc (Leviticus 26:39-42 and Nehemiah 1:6).
2. Beseech God to cleanse you and cut you free from any of your forefathers’ sins or generational sins in the name of Jesus Christ, and by His blood in a declaration of the Word of God (Colossians 2:15, Hebrews 4:12, 1 John 3:8 and 4:4).
3. As a public declaration, state that you have been set free in Jesus’ name and that you now want to receive your full inheritance in Christ Jesus (Matthew 12:37).
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us
– Galatians 3:13
In Spiritual Warfare, Confess and Receive the Following:
- Self-Worth
- Confidence
- Abundant Wealth
- Poverty Defeated
- Overcome Fear
- Defeat Anxiety
- Crush Panic Attacks
- Deliverance from Evil
- Break Curses
- Freedom from Evil Spirits
- Receive Healing
- Be An Overcomer
More Powerful Prayers
- How to Free Yourself from Evil Spirits
- A Prayer to Overcome Social Anxiety, Fear and Panic Attacks
- Break Curses and the Consequences of Curses in Jesus’ Powerful Name
- Claim God’s Protection from the devil and his demons – The Gates of Hell shall not Prevail!
- Prayer Victory Over Hopelessness and Despair – Decree a Blessing is Yours!
- The Conviction of the Holy Spirit Versus the Condemnation of Satan
- Satanic Lies and How to Defeat Them in the Mind
- Overcome Inferiority and Insecurity
A Model Prayer of Release
Heavenly Father, I come in the name of Jesus Christ and covered by His blood, which He shed for me. I stand by faith and confess that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour.
I repent of any action, attitude, lifestyle or habit that does not glorify Jesus Christ.
I confess and renounce every iniquity, transgression and sin that I, my parents or ancestors may have committed, known or unknown, willingly or unwillingly and which has brought poverty, bondages, dominations, afflictions or sickness into or over my life.
I ask for forgiveness, cleansing and restoration and that You Father, will cut me free from any ungodly ancestral ties. I renounce the devil and all his works, influences, bondages, dominations, afflictions and infirmities in or over my life.
I ask for the release of any godly anointing, finances or health, etc. that may have been given away and or perverted or misplaced due to my sin or my ancestors’ sin. I claim the release and freedom promised by Jesus Christ, Amen.
This is an extract from the book Discipleship for Everyday Living by Mathew Backholer and is used with permission.

By Mathew Backholer. Find more about Mathew’s books here.