Satanic Lies and How to Defeat them in the Mind
Everything Satan says is a lie; this is why Jesus refused to get into a debate with the father of lies. The devil will never speak truth to you, only deception. We must not entertain Satan. We must not draw a chair to the table of our heart and engage him in open debate. There is nothing to talk about. In Christ, I am a child of God. I am blessed and I am a new creation in Christ.
If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new
– 2 Corinthians 5:17
When Satan tempted Jesus, the Lord quoted Scripture as a defence. His obedience to God the Father qualified Him to overcome the evil one. When we agree with God’s Word, we side with Christ against Satan. That’s why we must learn to elevate God’s written word – the Holy Bible – in our mind and disregard other thoughts.
In warfare, armies seek strategic strongholds to bombard the enemy from a position of power and protection. God has given us a stronghold of Scripture and expects us to build it in our thoughts. Knowing the power of strongholds, Satan seeks to break-in, take over and establish a new stronghold of falsehood.
This is spiritual warfare. You’ve been given spiritual weapons by God to refute evil arguments, to demolish Satan’s lies and remove strongholds. The Holy Spirit wants to retake the stronghold in your mind and give you weapons to defend His way of biblical thinking.
“It’s all over for me, I’ve got no future; nothing ever works for me.” Stop siding with Satan! The Holy Spirit wants to bring the resurrection power of Jesus to your thinking. “I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am a new creation in Christ. No weapon formed against me can prosper. Every tongue that rises against me I shall condemn. I am blessed in the city and blessed in the country.”
There is tremendous power in biblical declaration. When we speak God’s word in faith, we are agreeing with Him. It’s an act of obedience. We deny unbelief when we chose words of faith. It’s time to believe your beliefs and doubt your doubts. You may feel bad, but remember God’s not finished with you!
By Paul Backholer. Find out about Paul’s books here.