Why Abortion is Wrong
A civilised society accepts that it’s never right to intentionally take an innocent human life, but the elite has always tried to change the definition of personhood to ‘solve the problem’ of unwanted people.
Jordan Peterson and the Quest for a Mentor in the Post-Truth Age
People who perceive the world is heading in the wrong direction are listening to Jordan Peterson in their millions. Increasingly, he’s like the weeping Prophet Jeremiah, pleading with the West to turn away from the path of doom. He reminds me of C.S. Lewis. For Professor Peterson, “The ultimate mentor is Christ.”
Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff, the Brontë Sisters, and their Faith in the Bible and Christianity
Wuthering Heights is a tragic love story between Heathcliff and his childhood love Cathy, set on the ghostly Yorkshire Moors, amid a brooding culture of revenge. Emily Brontë concludes Heathcliff’s problems stem from his refusal to live by Christian values.
What or who occupies your thought life?
What or who occupies your thought life? If we are not cautious, a TV anchor, influencer, politician or celebrity could be the controlling puppet master of our thoughts! Have you encountered someone who has suddenly discovered a new idea? They’ve been on social media or streamed new video content and the thoughts of another now possess his or her mind. These ideas did not come from the individual listening but from the presenter. Millions of people are not thinking their own thoughts; they are repeating the ideas of others! Who is controlling your mind? Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking…
The Battle of Armageddon and the Return of Jesus Christ to Israel
In St John’s revelation of the end times, God revealed to him that before Christ’s return to earth, the armies of an Antichrist dictatorship will descend upon Israel, and this evil army and their leader Antichrist will be defeated at the Battle of Armageddon.
Putin’s Folly and Gideon’s Army in Ukraine
The people of Ukraine are praying in their streets, singing gospel hymns in their underground bunkers and appealing to the West to provide them with the means to halt the dictator’s army. In this battle of prayer and might, Psalm 31 has become the national anthem of supplication for Ukrainians, as they worship, weep and plead God’s Word from their bomb shelters.
The Bible, Art and J.M.W. Turner – The Painter of Light
As a child, Turner was sent to a Methodist school in Margate, where he formed a love of Scripture and came to believe in God as the Creator. For Turner, catching a sunset on canvas was like opening one’s eyes to the Divine.
Who is the Antichrist? Twenty Signs from Scripture
The Bible predicts an evil dictator will come to power before the end of the world and he will charm his way into power. The Antichrist will be a highly skilled politician and he will be an inspirational speaker, able to exploit demonic magnetism to mesmerise people out of their freedom.
The Cost of Living Crisis: Living on Debt and Money Printing Never Works
How long could your family live off a credit card? That’s the question confronting the United States of America and others. World governments have been borrowing to pay for a lifestyle we can’t sustain for over twenty years and the debt is spiralling. Just take out another credit card or print the money and the party will go on forever.
DC’s Superman, Marvel and the Search for Christ, the Saviour
Have you observed that film executives have occupied cinemas with superhero movies for more than a decade? These movies reveal an unacknowledged spiritual longing for a Saviour, someone more powerful than us, who can save us from ourselves or others. It’s the outward manifestation of an inward need; a blurred reflection of the God-shaped hole portrayed in film.