Paul Backholer
Articles by Paul Backholer
Biblical Archaeology: Top Ten Discoveries
Biblical archaeology provides us with a rich source of confirmations to prove that the Bible is trustworthy. Discover ten of the greatest finds to prove that Holy Scripture is given to us from God.
Christianity in The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien and The Bible
Tolkien was a devout Christian, religious thinker and author of The Lord of the Rings and its prequel, The Hobbit. Christian themes such as darkness and light, mercy and justice, fellowship, authority, repentance, free will and sacrifice are found throughout Tolkien’s epic.
Third Temple in Jerusalem will be Built, Breaking News Update from Israel
Breaking news from Jerusalem, Israel, preparations for the Third Temple are accelerating at a breathtaking pace. Join us, as we unveil shocking blueprints and stunning 3D animations that bring the 3rd Jewish Temple to life!
Prayer Victory Over Hopelessness and Despair – Decree a Blessing is Yours!
Sometimes we can feel hopeless and believe nothing will ever improve. But that is a lie from Satan sent to keep us bound. We must reject these feelings and embrace the power of God.
The Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis
The Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis feels like a forgotten secret. The author tears apart the formulaic science-fiction genre and explores new worlds with heightened mystery. In his three cryptic books, we find Lewis exploring his inner Jules Verne and stretching his wings in exploration.
Overcome Inferiority and Insecurity by Faith in Jesus with Proclamation and Prayer
Satan will use lies to make you feel inferior and insecure in order to keep you down. You can end this cycle and find peace, in your rightful place as a child of God, by declaring the Word of God. Start with this prayer.
Homosexuality, Promiscuity and the Collapse of Society: Follow the Science
What historical evidence is there to support the claim that societies which embrace promiscuity, homosexuality and variations of LGBT+ expression will decline?
Break Curses and the Consequences of Curses in Jesus’ Powerful Name
Lord God Almighty, on the cross Your Son took every curse which could overshadow me, and now in faith, I release myself from every curse over my life in Jesus’ name...
The Third Temple in Jerusalem Israel
Breaking news from Jerusalem, Israel, preparations for the Third Temple are accelerating at a breathtaking pace. Join us, as we unveil shocking blueprints and stunning 3D animations that bring the 3rd Jewish Temple to life!
How to Free Yourself from Evil Spirits
Lord Jesus, I thank You that on the cross You were made a curse, that I might be redeemed from every curse and inherit God’s blessing. I also thank You Lord that You drove out demons and gave this power to me, Your disciple. On that basis, I ask You to release me and set me free to receive full deliverance.