Paul Backholer
Articles by Paul Backholer
Alfred the Great: The Forgotten King Who Saved Christian England
In the annals of English-speaking history, few figures loom as large as King Alfred the Great. Yet, for a monarch of such profound significance, he remains surprisingly unknown. This is the story of the king who not only saved his kingdom from the brink of collapse, but also laid the foundations for a unified England which shaped the West.
Christianity in the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
God is watching is an important theme of The Great Gatsby, a classic American novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald that explores the struggles of wealth, class, love and the American Dream in the 1920s.
Christianity in Britain – The First Christians in Britannia
Christianity spread with word of mouth in Britain. The Church Father Tertullian states Christianity greatly impacted Britain: ‘The haunts of the Britons, inaccessible to the Romans, but subjugated to Christ,’ he declared. According to Tertullian, Christianity spread further than the Roman occupation in Britannia ever did, perhaps far into Scotland.
Win the Battle of the Mind – Take Back Control of Your Thought Life
For years, our minds have been operating automatically, spreading lies that support Satan’s schemes to harm, rob and destroy us. In order to speak victory through God’s Word, we must deliberately relearn how to think, confess the good confession of faith and retrain our minds.
Israel, Gaza and Hamas. What You Need to Know by Gordon Pettie, Book Review
Israel, Gaza and Hamas, What you Need to Know by Gordon Pettie of Revelation TV, is a provocative exploration of a long-standing struggle for Israel’s survival, shattering the media’s narrative and urging readers to see beyond the surface. He exposes Hamas and its desire to destroy Israel, and proves that the UN and UNRWA are no neutral parties. This is a spiritual struggle.
Dominion, The Making of the Western Mind by Tom Holland: Book Review
“Why I was wrong about Christianity,” was the opening pitch by historian Tom Holland, concerning a seismic shift taking place in Western understanding of our heritage, hopes and values.
Netanyahu, the Third Temple’s Location and the Coming Messiah
Who told Netanyahu to prepare Israel for the Messiah, where will the Third Temple be built and what will happen to the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque? Will they be moved in peacetime, shattered by an earthquake or will it be shared sovereignty.
Why Scientists Think God Could Exist
There’s a mystery at the heart of the universe – why is it uniquely fine-tuned to support life? Many scientists are baffled by the puzzle of life and are honest about its implications.
Red Heifer Third Temple Sacrifice News
The red heifer ceremony, a ritual steeped in biblical tradition, is stirring anticipation and controversy in the Middle East. This ancient practice, not performed in nearly 2,000 years, involves the sacrifice of a specific red heifer – a completely red, blemish-free young cow – as part of a purification process.
Third Temple in Jerusalem will be Built, Breaking News Update from Israel
Breaking news from Jerusalem, Israel, preparations for the Third Temple are accelerating at a breathtaking pace. Join us, as we unveil shocking blueprints and stunning 3D animations that bring the 3rd Jewish Temple to life!