
Health and the Christian Life

  • Faith Builders,  Health,  Mind,  Paul Backholer,  Soul,  Spiritual Warfare

    Satanic Lies and How to Defeat them in the Mind

    Everything Satan says is a lie; this is why Jesus refused to get into a debate with the father of lies. The devil will never speak truth to you, only deception. We must not entertain Satan. We must not draw a chair to the table of our heart and engage him in open debate. There is nothing to talk about. In Christ, I am a child of God. I am blessed and I am a new creation in Christ.

  • Health,  Soul Food

    Travel in a Covid-19 World: Coronavirus, a Worldwide Pandemic

    You want to travel the world and explore, but the world has fundamentally changed. In this article, I will look at what happened with Coronavirus, how our lives have transformed and what can we do to protect ourselves when we travel. What happened? In December 2019, Coronavirus (Covid-19 / CV-19) broke out in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, China and by January 2020 it infected thousands of people who infected still more. The Chinese authorities quarantined entire cities, nobody could leave, by road, rail or air and additional makeshift hospitals were constructed to help isolate victims and prevent further infection. At airports across the world, screenings for passengers who left China before cities were in…

  • Health,  Hope,  Mathew Backholer,  Soul

    Live Your Life to the Full

    God wants the best for you. Jesus came to give you life in all abundance. Sometimes we feel we have years and decades ahead. Yet, it is amazing how quickly time goes by. To live life to the extreme, we need to make the most of every day remembering how short life is. Make it your goal to follow God’s will today and enter into all He has promised for you – beginning now! This is what healthy living means – entering into all God has for you. Don’t waste a minute of your life, listen to what the Bible says life is: A shadow that disappears (1 Chronicles 29:15).…

  • Faith Builders,  Health,  Mind,  Paul Backholer,  Soul

    There’s Nothing Wrong with You: The Power to Think Better

    There is nothing wrong with you. God created you in His image. There is no one like you on earth; not one with the same thoughts, ideas, feelings, experience, creativity and purpose. God chose you before the earth existed for a specific plan only you can accomplish. You are His workmanship. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made – Psalm 139:14 There may be something wrong with your thinking and choices, called sin, but you are more than your thoughts. God loves you, as you. However, there is a battle going on in your mind. Satan is bombarding you with thoughts designed to limit, hinder and…

  • Health,  Paul Backholer

    How to Protect your Skin from the Sun

    Sunlight exposure is a wonderful source of vitamin D, which is essential for healthy bones. Vitamin D is created by our body from direct sunlight on our skin when we’re outdoors. Too much exposure to the sun can cause damage to the skin. We need to find the balance between getting enough vitamin D from sunlight and protecting our skin. Follow these simple rules for safety in the sun. 1. Wear sunscreen on all exposed skin. Protect yourselves from the sun’s harmful UV rays by wearing the right level of protection. Adults should apply approximately two teaspoons of sunscreen for your head, arms and neck. Whilst wearing a swimming costume,…

  • Anxiety,  ByFaith News,  coronavirus,  Faith,  Fear,  Health

    Faith Not Fear – The Coronavirus Pandemic

    In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, we’ve produced our #FaithNotFear campaign on social media platforms @ByFaithMedia. Please follow the best medical advice and do not give in to fear - keep trusting in God. We’re posting quotes from Scripture on resisting fear, and from Christian leaders who lived through plagues in history and how they responded in faith. You can find all the quotes together on our Pinterest page under the 'Faith Not Fear' board. Stay safe and keep the faith.