Christianity and its Importance
Christianity in Britain – The First Christians in Britannia
Christianity spread with word of mouth in Britain. The Church Father Tertullian states Christianity greatly impacted Britain: ‘The haunts of the Britons, inaccessible to the Romans, but subjugated to Christ,’ he declared. According to Tertullian, Christianity spread further than the Roman occupation in Britannia ever did, perhaps far into Scotland.
Why Scientists Think God Could Exist
There’s a mystery at the heart of the universe – why is it uniquely fine-tuned to support life? Many scientists are baffled by the puzzle of life and are honest about its implications.
Third Temple in Jerusalem will be Built, Breaking News Update from Israel
Breaking news from Jerusalem, Israel, preparations for the Third Temple are accelerating at a breathtaking pace. Join us, as we unveil shocking blueprints and stunning 3D animations that bring the 3rd Jewish Temple to life!
Why is the Church in Decline in Britain?
The number of people identifying as Christian in England and Wales has dropped 13.1% in the ten years from 2011. The 2021 Census reveals 46.2% of the population, representing 27.5 million people, think of themselves as Christian. Why the fall?
Thirteen Waves of Christian Missions
Historically, there have been at least thirteen distinct waves of Christian missions with new missionaries, short-term and long-term, being raised up and sent forth into God’s harvest fields.
Can God speak through sand?
The Bible compares our lives to grains of sand; a temporary reprieve from the call to eternity. What will you achieve with your brief life for Christ? Slava Borecki, a Ukrainian artist, has moulded 150 tonnes of sand into a sculpture with an eternal message of peace.
Jordan Peterson and the Quest for a Mentor in the Post-Truth Age
People who perceive the world is heading in the wrong direction are listening to Jordan Peterson in their millions. Increasingly, he’s like the weeping Prophet Jeremiah, pleading with the West to turn away from the path of doom. He reminds me of C.S. Lewis. For Professor Peterson, “The ultimate mentor is Christ.”
The Bible, Art and J.M.W. Turner – The Painter of Light
As a child, Turner was sent to a Methodist school in Margate, where he formed a love of Scripture and came to believe in God as the Creator. For Turner, catching a sunset on canvas was like opening one’s eyes to the Divine.
DC’s Superman, Marvel and the Search for Christ, the Saviour
Have you observed that film executives have occupied cinemas with superhero movies for more than a decade? These movies reveal an unacknowledged spiritual longing for a Saviour, someone more powerful than us, who can save us from ourselves or others. It’s the outward manifestation of an inward need; a blurred reflection of the God-shaped hole portrayed in film.
L.S. Lowry, Faith and Art
Lowry observed those with ragged clothes, worn shoes and dirty labouring faces. He saw the cruelty, laughter, darkness and beauty in working class lives. He painted the story of those forgotten by society: the mill workers, terraced streets and industrial towns. Raised in a Christian household, he went to Sunday School...