Christian Revival and Holy Spirit Spiritual Awakenings
Korean Revival & Evangelistic Campaigns 1950-80s
I saw revival in Korea. I saw more than 25,000 persons profess to accept Christ as Saviour within six weeks. I saw more than four thousand persons daily at 5am prayer meetings. I saw hundreds continue all night in prayer for days on end.
Genuine Heaven-Sent Revival Versus the Counterfeit
Revival is a visitation of the Holy Spirit, a quickening, a bringing to life. It is God rending the Heavens and coming down, the hills melting like wax before His presence.
Rees Howells, Monument of Faith, Prelude to Rees Howells Intercessor
Rees Howells was a man of extraordinary faith, with little to his name, but an unyielding belief in the power of God. With empty pockets and a vision from God, he embarked on a journey that would defy all odds, which propelled him to the forefront as the founder of The Bible College of Wales and a ministry that would touch the world.
Jean Darnell’s Revival Vision 1967
During 1967, American evangelist Jean Darnall, on her first trip to England had the last of three recurring visions. In these visions she was looking down upon the United Kingdom, having a birds-eye view of the British Isles.
Prophetic Signs – Two Years On: What Happened to the Ten Signs from God for this Decade?
In the summer of 2020, the Holy Spirit revealed ten signs to our ministry for the coming decade and we published an article addressing these signs on the 1st of January 2021, as a prophetic declaration. How many have come to pass?
Why is the Church in Decline in Britain?
The number of people identifying as Christian in England and Wales has dropped 13.1% in the ten years from 2011. The 2021 Census reveals 46.2% of the population, representing 27.5 million people, think of themselves as Christian. Why the fall?
Rees Howells, Life of Faith, the Long-Awaited Sequel to Rees Howells Intercessor
The famed intercessor and missionary, Rees Howells, preached thousands of times, but until now his authentic voice has not been heard. Rees Howells, Life of Faith was commissioned by Rees' son Samuel Rees Howells in the 1960s as the sequel to Rees Howells Intercessor, but was lost in development until now.
Smith Wigglesworth’s Revival Prophecy
Smith Wigglesworth (1859-1947), known as the apostle of faith, moved in mighty signs and wonders, and even raised people from the dead! Shortly before he passed into glory he prophesied, “During the next few decades there will be two distinct moves of the Holy Spirit across the Church in Great Britain. The first move will affect every church that is open to receive it and will be characterised by the restoration of the baptism and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
A Call to Repentance and Prayer: Society Needs God, Part 5. Are you Living the Life or is your Religious Observance Null and Void?
Surely His salvation is near those who fear Him that glory may dwell in the land – Psalm 85:10 If we want society to change then believers must live the Christian life of purity, holiness, truthfulness and have integrity. We are called to be Christ-like. Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount gives clear directions how to live (Matthew chapters 5-7), as do many other books of the Bible, especially the writings of the apostles’ Paul, Peter and James. ‘The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; the statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment…
Help us Lord! Society Needs God, Part 4. Will the City be Overthrown or Saved?
Unto You I lift up my eyes, O You who dwell in the heavens. Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their masters, as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God until He has mercy on us – Psalm 123:1-2 The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah went past the point of no return because its citizens were ‘exceedingly wicked against God’ (Genesis 13:13). Time passed and the outcry against these two cities increased. It came up before God because their sin was very grave (Genesis 18:20). Abraham with his incredible intercession, pleaded before…