Genuine Heaven-Sent Revival Versus the Counterfeit
Revival is a visitation of the Holy Spirit, a quickening, a bringing to life. It is God rending the Heavens and coming down, the hills melting like wax before His presence. It is water being poured out on the thirsty and floods on the dry ground. It is a turning from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God, a casting off of the works of darkness; thus the light of the world (Christians – Matthew 5:14-16) burns brighter and thus aids the Church to be without spot or wrinkle until the glorious day of His appearing.
…It shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions; and also on My menservants and on My maidservants, I will pour out My Spirit in those days.
– Joel 2:28-29
Not Everything that Glitters is Gold
There is a saying which became popular in the days of the gold rush, ‘Not everything that glitters is gold,’ however, its origins go back to the twelfth century. There is real gold and there is fool’s gold. Fool’s gold is counterfeit; it still comes from the ground and looks like the real thing, but after testing or examination by a well-trained eye, it can be seen for what it is, fake and worthless – a disappointment to those who were searching for the real thing. You cannot buy God’s favour or blessing.
How can we tell the genuine from the false, the true from the spurious?
…I will build My Church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.
– Matthew 16:18
With many preachers claiming to have ‘revival’ and some wanting to impart it into your life, and with many churches and conferences claiming that they will have revival, so come and be touched – what is the truth? Why is there so much hype, exaggeration and distortion, when we can have the real thing, a visitation from God as He rends the Heavens and pours out His Spirit for His great name’s sake!
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
– 2 Chronicles 7:14
Revival is a sovereign work of God, coupled with man’s obedience – the Divine-human partnership and is seen in the fullness of time. God gives His gifts freely and in measure to the level of our obedience to Him. God does not fill dirty vessels or anoint or empower us to entertain others, but to do the works of the Father and that glorifies the Son, Jesus Christ. Whilst in every revival, mistakes will inevitably be made, from the leadership to the congregation. However, the basic fundamental truths of any Heaven-sent revival have to remain and where they are not present then it cannot be a genuine revival.
Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
– Psalm 139:23-24
Any conclusions to revival phenomena should not be based on our emotions, but on the Word of God, the Bible. We must all beware of having preconceived prejudices, (nationalistic, racial, personal, theological or denominational) which can distort biblical doctrine and sound unbiased judgment. God does not contradict Himself and throughout Church history, there are always common characteristics and features in every revival which reappear regardless of time, country and culture.
God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints and to be held in reverence by all those around Him.
– Psalm 89:7
A Counterfeit or Genuine Revival
- Is God being glorified, given honour, worshipped, praised or adored? Or is it about a personality, a church, denomination or ministry?
- Is there any mention of Jesus Christ, the cross/Calvary or the blood of the Lamb that was slain for sinful man? Is there any mention of Jesus’ life, His work or His sacrifice for fallen mankind?
- Is there any mention of the Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost/God’s Spirit or the Spirit of God? He comes to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment; to guide believers into all truth (John 16:8, 13), who manifests His presence (which brings about revival) to glorify God, to revive those who are spiritually stale, to give life to the spiritually dead and to draw the wandering sheep back into the fold of God. The Holy Spirit also guides and directs.
- Is there any mention of sin, of people getting right with God, forsaking sin, confession of sins, living holy or taking up one’s cross and daily following Jesus?
- Is there any mention of Christians being revived, getting right with God and each other, and humbling themselves? Are backsliders being restored or souls being saved?
- Is the Word of God being used to build up the body of Christ? To bring conviction of sin, to challenge and to convict, or only used to manipulate or to raise financial support?
- Are there any ethical or social results? For example: Restitution and reparation; marriages and relationships having been restored, sinful habits having been forsaken, bad debts being repaid, a desire for holiness, helping the poor, orphans or widows and zeal for evangelism and world missions?
The Apostle Paul wrote
If indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus; that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind.
– Ephesians 4:21-23
Changed Lives or Not
The following is comparing true revival (and genuine Christian discipleship) with that which is false or counterfeit, based on the majority of the lifestyles of those present, ‘as the truth is in Jesus’ (Ephesians 4:21-23).
Are those present:
- Giving glory to God or to a person?
- Drawn to Christ or away from Him?
- Do they allow the Holy Spirit to have His way in their lives?
- Are they drawn to the cross or to the things of the world?
- Are they drawn to the light (holiness) or to the darkness (evil deeds)?
- Are they more Christ-like or devil-like?
- Are their lives transformed for better or for worse?
- Do they promote the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of the devil by their words and deeds?
- Do they bear fruit (a changed life) or froth (lovers of fads and phenomena)?
- Are they Christ-seekers or attention-seekers?
- Do they honour or dishonour the Word of God (the Bible), obey or disobey that which is written in the Word of God?
- Do they now spend more time in Bible reading, and in prayer (fellowship with God, in their quiet times) or less?
- Are they eager to fast and pray or to feast and play?
- Do they have an attitude and spirit of repentance and reconciliation or pride and rebellion?
- Have they been brought to a place of humility and contrition (brokenness) or do they have a “bless me,” “give me,” self-seeking attitude?
- Do they try and bring glory to God or are they looking for glory for themselves?
- Is there open fellowship with other Christians or a disassociation from others?
- Are they building up the body of Christ (the Church) or trying to tear it apart?
- Are they more eager to share the Good News of Jesus Christ or ashamed of Him?
- Do they attend Christian meetings (e.g. prayer and Bible study) or prefer to go shopping, to the gym the cinema, or stay at home scrolling through social media etc.?
- Are they more eager to support local evangelism and world missions without recognition, out of love and devotion for Jesus or do they desire to be seen doing good deeds? Do they try and buy God’s favour?
He who covers his sins will not prosper. But whoever confesses and forsakes them will find mercy.
– Proverbs 28:13
Used with permission from Revival Answers, True and False Revivals by Mathew Backholer.
By Mathew Backholer. Find more about Mathew’s books here.