ByFaith News
New information, books and releases from ByFaith Media
ByFaith Media eBook Distribution Expanded
We’ve expanded our eBook distribution to include all major outlets. You can now download ByFaith Media eBooks from Kindle, Kobo, Nook, iBooks, Google Play and Smashwords. Our books are also available as paperbacks and some as hardbacks.
Debt Time Bomb! Debt Mountains!
The financial crisis and its toxic legacy for the next generation. A Christian Perspective by Paul Backholer. The United States is building the largest debt mountain in history and Britain is still borrowing. How will these debts affect your family and will our nations still be paying them off in the 2080s? In this book the author explains how and why this debt time bomb was created, the spiritual roots of this crisis, and the harsh implications for Western defence and global stability. What went wrong and can we do anything about it? More information
Britain, A Christian Country
A nation defined by Christianity and the Bible, and the social changes that challenge this biblical heritage by Paul Backholer. For over a thousand years Britain was defined by Christianity, with monarchs dedicating the country to God and national days of prayer that saved the nation in its darkest hours. Discover the continuing legacy of the Bible in Britain, how faith defined its nationhood and the challenges from the 1960s to the present day. More information
Tares and Weeds in Your Church
Trouble & deception in God’s house. The end time overcomers: Christian leadership and spiritual warfare by R.B. Watchman. Is there a battle taking place in your church, leading to divisions and splits? Can you do anything to stop the infiltration of the enemy? Through prophetic insight and personal experience in many churches, the author will expose a hidden snare used by Satan to undermine God’s purposes in His Church. Tares and weeds are counterfeit Christians. They are often unknown pawns of the enemy, used to sabotage Kingdom work and all who are involved in it – to discourage, dishearten, depress or even destroy! They are planted to ultimately resist God’s…
The Holy Spirit in a Man
One man’s compelling journey of faith and intercession. Spiritual warfare, intercession, faith, healings and miracles in the modern world by R.B. Watchman. Raised in a dysfunctional family and called for a Divine purpose, he ran from God, yet the world could not break nor tame him. Years later, he met with Jesus Christ in power through a dynamic encounter with the Holy Spirit and was changed forever. Sent out by God, he left employment to claim the ground for Jesus Christ, witnessing signs and wonders, spiritual warfare and deliverance. In a remarkable modern day story of miracles and faith, see how God can take a depressed, defeated individual, teach him…