Rees Howells, Vision Hymns of Spiritual Warfare by Mathew Backholer now in Paperback
Rees Howells, Vision Hymns by Mathew Backholer is now available in paperback. Purchase your copy today for a rare insight into the prophetic declarations, hymns and choruses used in spiritual warfare by Rees Howells.
Rees Howells, Life of Faith, the Long-Awaited Sequel to Rees Howells Intercessor
The famed intercessor and missionary, Rees Howells, preached thousands of times, but until now his authentic voice has not been heard. Rees Howells, Life of Faith was commissioned by Rees' son Samuel Rees Howells in the 1960s as the sequel to Rees Howells Intercessor, but was lost in development until now.
Christian Traveler’s Network Podcast!
Mathew Backholer had the honour of being a guest speaker on the Christian Traveler’s Network podcast. Mathew had a great time chatting with Sarah about all things budget travel and how to share Christ with others on your journeys.
ByFaith Media is now on Truth Social!
Follow @ByFaithMedia on Truth Social for Christian inspiration, encouragement & adventure. Not on Truth Social? We are on all of your favourite social media sites! Follow @ByFaithMedia on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest, Tumblr & YouTube!
Rees Howells Intercessor is now on Instagram, TikTok & Twitter!
Rees Howells Intercessor is now on Instagram, TikTok & Twitter. Follow @reeshowellsintercessor on social media for exclusive photographs, videos, quotes & images.
Samuel Rees Howells is now on Instagram, TikTok & Twitter!
Samuel Rees Howells is now on Instagram, TikTok & Twitter. Follow @SamuelReesHowells on social media for exclusive photographs, videos, quotes & images.
ByFaith Media is now on TikTok!
Follow @ByFaithMedia on TikTok for Christian inspiration, Scriptures and insights. Search @ByFaithMedia on all social media platforms for further encouragement.