Never Give Up Hope For Healing
‘As they went, they were healed’ (Luke 17:14).
For almost twenty-three years Delia Knox was paralysed from the waist down after a drunk driver smashed into her car on Christmas Day 1987. But a visit to the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival, at Mobile Bay, Alabama, transformed her life.
Delia Knox, a Christian said, “To be honest, I’ve stayed away from healing meetings. I’ve been pulled, plopped and dropped,” during prayer for miracles. But on the 27 August 2010, after prayer by young British revivalists, Nathan Morris and American pastor John Kilpatrick, Delia Knox took her first steps in over two decades.
Having experienced the miracle of discovering feeling in her legs, the first time since the late 1980s, she took a leap of faith and stood up. After two decades of her legs doing nothing, she needed assistance to carry the burden of weight, yet the miracle of receiving feeling in her legs, gave her the faith to believe that she would walk unaided again and within a week she was.
After three months, Delia Knox visited the revival again to show that she was walking permanently, normally and unaided. She even wore high heels. Her husband, Bishop Levy Knox said, “What has happened to my wife has changed our lives.”
Delia gave up all hope of ever walking again after a long struggle to accept her injuries, but this miracle transformed her and reminds Christians of the progressive healings in the ministry of Jesus.
In Mark 8:25, ‘once more’ Jesus put His hands on the man’s eyes after the first prayer led to partial healing and in Luke 17:11-19 several lepers were healed progressively as they walked in faith. In the Old Testament Elisha told Naaman to wash seven times in the Jordan for healing (2 Kings 5:10).
A decade has passed and Delia is still walking, testifying of God’s power and praying for the sick to be healed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Then Jesus said, “Rise and go, your faith has made you well” (Luke 17:17).