Christianity 101,  Discipleship,  Faith Builders,  Jesus,  Paul Backholer

You Shook Hands With God! A Divine Awakening. The Beginning of Your Walk with Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit

Dear Warren,

I’m sorry my description of the ‘darkness to light experience,’ confused you. All this proves is that Christianity has its own phrases, words and theological concepts, which are unknown to non-Christians; as a new believer in Jesus, you will begin to learn them.

My phrase concerning ‘darkness to light’ is taken from the message of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Apostle Paul. After Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension into heaven, the Lord appeared to Paul and told him his mission was to preach: “To open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me” (Acts 26:18).

This is what just happened to you! Stop and think about it! You were in spiritual darkness, without faith in God and you were a captive in Satan’s kingdom. But when you repented, and put your faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection – in a spiritual sense – you passed from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to God and your sins were forgiven. As a child of God, you now have an inheritance in God – a home in heaven – and you are part of God’s family on earth.

Holy Spirit Power, Knowing the Voice, Guidance and Person of the Holy Spirit by Paul Backholer

This is just the beginning of your walk with Jesus. When you were saved, it was like you shook hands with God for the first time and He said, “I’m alive,” and you replied, “Yes and I believe in You!” Now this introduction phase has taken place, you must learn how to become a friend of God, by walking with Him (John 15:15).

Your faith will grow as you daily spend time with the Lord by reading the Bible, seeking God in prayer and meeting with other on-fire Christians.

In Christ,

By Paul Backholer. Find out about Paul’s books here.