The Battle in Your Head, Guard Your Mind Against Enemy Attack
Your mind is like an airport. Thoughts are flying in from all directions and heading out. You may have a thought from a church meeting inside of you and suddenly off it goes, as an enemy thought lands.
We need to allow the Holy Spirit to become our border force. He will teach us to send thoughts packing. He will remind us, “No entry,” for that thought. He will stop the negative, self-doubt, criticism, unbelief and backbiting thoughts from planting in our heart.
The Holy Spirit is God in you. With your permission and obedience, He’ll send Satan’s thoughts out of your mind and prepare you for God’s thoughts to land.
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places
– Ephesians 6:12
God the Holy Spirit will enforce a strict quarantine in your mind. He will lead you in the path of peace and ask you, “Do you think you should agree with this thought? Is it from God or Satan?”
You are not rubbish. You’re not a throwaway disposable person. God knows your name. He knows the number of hairs on your head. He says you are valuable. This is why God will not tolerate you beating yourself up with negative, heart-breaking thoughts. This battle is not with yourself or people who dislike you; it’s between you, with the Holy Spirit’s power and demons.
God is on your side of the ring, ready to fight with you, but you must pull the first punch. We need to become acquainted with the thinking which is acceptable to God’s presence with us. We must practice the presence of Christ. Let Him teach you to fight.
Satan desires to go round after round offering wrong thinking and encouraging us to ponder his thoughts. “You’re worthless, stupid and a failure. Everything you touch is a mess.” God knows how to teach you to win and through Jesus’ death and resurrection, He produced a knockout blow to Satan.
Monumental news, you’re already on the victory team! The overcomer lives in you. Jesus has already overcome the world and you’re on His side. You’re not a defeated person sliding into permanent failure. You’re already on the knockout team. There is hope.
But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows
– Luke 12:7
By Paul Backholer. Find out about Paul’s books here.