Jesus and LGBT – What Did He Say?
To follow Jesus means accepting His judgment on sin, not redefining it. Jesus’ teachings on sex and marriage reflect a continuation of conservative Jewish theology rooted in the Torah, emphasising the sanctity of the male-female union as a Divine institution.
Rees Howells’ & Samuel’s School of Faith, The Bible College of Wales
Ever since God had met with Rees Howells on Boxing Day morning of 1934 and placed a special responsibility upon him to see the fulfilment of the Great Commission, there was a deep desire in him to see new countries reached with the Gospel.
Korean Revival & Evangelistic Campaigns 1950-80s
I saw revival in Korea. I saw more than 25,000 persons profess to accept Christ as Saviour within six weeks. I saw more than four thousand persons daily at 5am prayer meetings. I saw hundreds continue all night in prayer for days on end.
Ezekiel’s Temple in 3D Explained
Why hasn’t Ezekiel’s Temple ever been built? God revealed the plans for this great Temple thousands of years ago, but no one has ever tried to build it. Imagine a Temple compound in Jerusalem so massive, it could hold an entire city. This is the story of Ezekiel’s Temple.
Genuine Heaven-Sent Revival Versus the Counterfeit
Revival is a visitation of the Holy Spirit, a quickening, a bringing to life. It is God rending the Heavens and coming down, the hills melting like wax before His presence.
Christianity in the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
God is watching is an important theme of The Great Gatsby, a classic American novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald that explores the struggles of wealth, class, love and the American Dream in the 1920s.
Understanding Christian Healing, George Jeffreys Healing Evangelist
The gifts of healing are amongst the nine miraculous gifts that are distributed to the Church by the Holy Spirit. The word healing suggests a gradual recovery, and many are restored in this way. Another among the nine gifts is the working of miracles, which suggests an immediate Divine interposition so that a person is instantly healed. In our Lord’s ministry, there were these two kinds of healing - George Jeffreys.
Your 2025 Reboot, Unleash the Power of Spiritual Warfare Prayer
Are you ready to experience a life transformed in 2025? Spiritual Warfare is your key to unlocking God’s blessings, breaking free from all darkness and claiming your destiny in Christ.
Church of the Nativity & The Birth of Jesus
Delve into the wonder of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, Israel, and explore the compelling evidence that points to this sacred site as the birthplace of Jesus Christ.
St. Nicholas: The Real Santa Claus
As a young boy, Nicholas became an orphan when his parents died of a plague and a substantial inheritance was bequeathed to him, and he gained prominence within society. As a wealthy Christian, he felt called by God to help the poor by doing good deeds and he followed the teaching of Jesus to keep his giving a secret.