Rees Howells, Monument of Faith, Prelude to Rees Howells Intercessor
Rees Howells was a man of extraordinary faith, with little to his name, but an unyielding belief in the power of God. With empty pockets and a vision from God, he embarked on a journey that would defy all odds, which propelled him to the forefront as the founder of The Bible College of Wales and a ministry that would touch the world.
Christian Books UK Stock Clearance
ByFaith Media has a massive stock clearance on books including signed copies! Whether you are interested in the life of Rees Howells, want to learn more about revival or are even planning your first short-term mission, we have a bargain for you! View all clearance here.
Money for your Short-Term Missions
Many Christians who go on a short-term mission (STMs) are happy to ask their church or fellow believers for financial support towards the trip. However, some may not feel able to ask for money towards their STM or like Abraham, after rescuing Lot, he refused the spoils of war from the King of Sodom, thus not allowing the king any opportunity to boast that he had made Abraham rich (Genesis 14:12-24). You may be surprised how many individuals or churches give small amounts towards STMs or nothing at all and then boast as if they entirely supported the mission team!
Kingdom Advancement – Sowers, Reaper and Builders
The Bible speaks of Sowers, Reapers and Builders, and in the Kingdom of God we all have our part to play.
Rees Howells’ God Challenges the Dictators Book Review by Gordon Pettie
Not only did Rees Howells pray through to victory in World War II, but his book on dictators was even sent to Hitler. Wrote Gordon Pettie in his latest book review for HEART.
Rees Howells, Life of Faith, the Long-Awaited Sequel to Rees Howells Intercessor
The famed intercessor and missionary, Rees Howells, preached thousands of times, but until now his authentic voice has not been heard. Rees Howells, Life of Faith was commissioned by Rees' son Samuel Rees Howells in the 1960s as the sequel to Rees Howells Intercessor, but was lost in development until now.