Ezekiel’s Temple in 3D Explained
Why hasn’t Ezekiel’s Temple ever been built? God revealed the plans for this great Temple thousands of years ago, but no one has ever tried to build it. Imagine a Temple compound in Jerusalem so massive, it could hold an entire city. This is the story of Ezekiel’s Temple.
Borders are Good! The Bible, Immigration, Refugees & Economic Migrants
Do modern slave traders control your borders? This is the question people avoid when confronted with the problem of chaotic, lawless borders. The Bible’s perspective on migrants, borders and immigration may shock you because the Holy Scripture is not woke!
Where was the Bible’s Red Sea? Where did Moses cross Yam-Suph?
The parting of the Red Sea is central to the Bible’s Exodus story, but no one has proved conclusively where the crossing took place. We know the starting point for the Exodus was the area of Ramesses, and one traditional idea is that the Hebrews headed south and crossed the tip of the presently named Red Sea...
The Bible’s Joseph in Ancient Egyptian History: Evidence for Joseph from Egypt
Evidence for the Bible’s Exodus. As we journeyed into what the Bible calls the Land of Goshen, we discovered excavations revealed a Semitic city called Avaris. This centre was vast and archaeologists found the foundations for many structures. The Semitic people who lived here became powerful and their leaders governed vast areas of ancient Egypt.