What is a Mission Trip?
The Devil would love to convince you that all this mission stuff isn’t for you. The Devil is a liar and you know it!
Kingdom Advancement – Sowers, Reaper and Builders
The Bible speaks of Sowers, Reapers and Builders, and in the Kingdom of God we all have our part to play.
Missionary Giants of the Faith – William Carey, Hudson Taylor & C.T. Studd
The men of faith that changed the world. What can we learn from them?
Short-Term Missions in the Bible
Abraham must have been pestered and perhaps even cross-examined by his family when God called him to go on his mission, leaving as men would say, ‘a certain for an uncertain good.’
Thirteen Waves of Christian Missions
Historically, there have been at least thirteen distinct waves of Christian missions with new missionaries, short-term and long-term, being raised up and sent forth into God’s harvest fields.