The Nephilim: Who were they? Angels, Demons or Aliens?
The Bible describes a mysterious ancient people called the Nephilim with angelic origins. Who were they and what happened to them?
Jordan Peterson and the Quest for a Mentor in the Post-Truth Age
People who perceive the world is heading in the wrong direction are listening to Jordan Peterson in their millions. Increasingly, he’s like the weeping Prophet Jeremiah, pleading with the West to turn away from the path of doom. He reminds me of C.S. Lewis. For Professor Peterson, “The ultimate mentor is Christ.”
Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff, the Brontë Sisters, and their Faith in the Bible and Christianity
Wuthering Heights is a tragic love story between Heathcliff and his childhood love Cathy, set on the ghostly Yorkshire Moors, amid a brooding culture of revenge. Emily Brontë concludes Heathcliff’s problems stem from his refusal to live by Christian values.
The Battle of Armageddon and the Return of Jesus Christ to Israel
In St John’s revelation of the end times, God revealed to him that before Christ’s return to earth, the armies of an Antichrist dictatorship will descend upon Israel, and this evil army and their leader Antichrist will be defeated at the Battle of Armageddon.
Who is the Antichrist? Twenty Signs from Scripture
The Bible predicts an evil dictator will come to power before the end of the world and he will charm his way into power. The Antichrist will be a highly skilled politician and he will be an inspirational speaker, able to exploit demonic magnetism to mesmerise people out of their freedom.
Exciting New Book: The End Times, the Book of Revelation, Antichrist 666, Tribulation, Armageddon and the Return of Christ by Paul Backholer
In this exciting release for 10 January 2022, the long-anticipated sequel to Heaven, Paradise is Real is now available for pre-order. The End Times, the Book of Revelation by Paul Backholer unveils the deepest mystery of the Bible and the wonder of the return of Jesus Christ to earth! Unlock the Book of Revelation and discover what will happen in the last days.
Christianity, the Bible & Parliament: The Palace of Westminster
‘Except the Lord build the House, they labour in vain that build it.’ These words in Latin from Psalm 127:1 are inscribed in the stone floor of the Central Lobby, at the very heart of Britain’s Parliament. As part of my research for my books, I undertook an exploration of the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. I found the Palace of Westminster to be full of Christian symbols and I will share a small part of the indagation. It was on this site the death knell for the slave trade was served and laws to protect working people and produce democracy were passed. The modern Palace of Westminster is…
Why Believing in God Makes Sense
By expert scientific standards, human existence is improbable. Only the fine-tuning of the universe makes life possible. Any small fluctuation in the universe, from the force of gravity to the ratio of electron to protons would deem life impossible.
Biblical Archaeology – Has Jesus’ Tomb Been Identified?
Twenty years have passed since I entered the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. It’s a remarkable place and I recommend all to visit it, if in Jerusalem. Only the Garden Tomb provides believers with the experience and vistas, familiar to the disciples. But is it the actual place of Christ’s resurrection? Extensive research found the tomb dates to several centuries before Jesus’ life, along with other Iron Age tombs in the area. Sadly, this excludes the Garden Tomb as Jesus’ tomb, because the Bible says they placed Jesus’ body inside a newly cut tomb (Matthew 27:60). Also, the cistern in the garden bears the marks of crusader technology, nullifying hope of…
Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich – All shall be well
“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well” – Julian of Norwich Everything you need is found in Christ and all your heart truly desires, is found in Christ. Out of the abundance of God’s goodness, His love will flow into your soul. “God loved us before He made us; and His love has never diminished and never shall.” These are the words of Julian of Norwich, a woman living in self-imposed house arrest – permanent social distancing – in a single cell attached to the Church of St Julian, in Norwich, England. In her estrangement from the world, she found…