Soul Food
Grow in Your Faith with Food for the Soul
What or who occupies your thought life?
What or who occupies your thought life? If we are not cautious, a TV anchor, influencer, politician or celebrity could be the controlling puppet master of our thoughts! Have you encountered someone who has suddenly discovered a new idea? They’ve been on social media or streamed new video content and the thoughts of another now possess his or her mind. These ideas did not come from the individual listening but from the presenter. Millions of people are not thinking their own thoughts; they are repeating the ideas of others! Who is controlling your mind? Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking…
Jesus’ Unlawful Trial, His Death and Resurrection
This Easter, we remember the passion of our Lord. He came to live like us, teach us God’s truth and ultimately suffer and die for us. Christ came to conquer death through His sacrifice and resurrection. Jesus said, “I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die” (John 11:25).
Dictators Defeated and Gospel Advance
Rees Howells lived for the fulfilment of Jesus’ Great Commission, the Gospel to Every Creature, and he believed that Hitler (Nazism) and Mussolini (Fascism), the dictators of Germany and Italy, would have to be defeated for the peaceful work of world evangelisation to continue.
The Power of Prophetic Praise and Worship
Rees Howells embraced worship as warfare and participated in it daily. The Holy Spirit taught him the power of prophetic declarations and prophetic praise.
The Bible, Art and J.M.W. Turner – The Painter of Light
As a child, Turner was sent to a Methodist school in Margate, where he formed a love of Scripture and came to believe in God as the Creator. For Turner, catching a sunset on canvas was like opening one’s eyes to the Divine.
Cancel Culture and Faith: Is Woke Broke?
Have you ever said or written anything offensive? Was it honestly terrible, toxic and bigoted? Or was it simply an opinion, a different perspective or an inconvenient fact? Just because someone says they’re offended doesn’t mean they’re right.
DC’s Superman, Marvel and the Search for Christ, the Saviour
Have you observed that film executives have occupied cinemas with superhero movies for more than a decade? These movies reveal an unacknowledged spiritual longing for a Saviour, someone more powerful than us, who can save us from ourselves or others. It’s the outward manifestation of an inward need; a blurred reflection of the God-shaped hole portrayed in film.
How Does God Speak to Us?
God speaks to people in different ways. He directed Joseph by several dreams. He spoke to Moses from the burning bush in an audible voice (Exodus 3:2-4), and He led the Israelites in the wilderness by a pillar of cloud and fire (Exodus 13:21). He also spoke to the Israelites via the Urim and Thummim (Numbers 27:21).
Climate Change Hypocrisy! The Poor will Suffer for the Rich
The green energy revolution is reforming the world and millions will suffer in dire poverty as a result. Billionaires in private jets have convinced politicians it is sinful for the poor to want affordable heat, food and travel. With energy prices soaring, the cost of food, energy and transport will become an impossible burden for the poorest in the world. Is this a price we should pay?
The Conviction of the Holy Spirit Versus the Condemnation of Satan
The Holy Spirit is gentle and loving, but Satan condemns and generates fear. How can we be certain if it's the Holy Spirit convicting us of sin or the devil seeking to hinder us?