
Christian Peace and Victory in the Battle of the Mind

  • Faith Builders,  Mind,  Paul Backholer,  Soul

    Listen to Your Creator, not Your Critics: They’ve Dismissed You, God Hasn’t

    Listen to your Creator, not your critics. In life you will discover an endless supply of doubters, critics and cynics. There will always be people waiting to talk you out of God’s will, pull you down and belittle you. How you respond to this criticism will determine your destiny. Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s way – Romans 14:13 Abraham could have died in Ur if he consulted others on God’s call. If Joseph ignored his God-given dreams because of his family, he could have died as an unknown shepherd instead of becoming…

  • Faith Builders,  Mind,  Paul Backholer,  Soul

    Feelings, Faith and the Mind – How to Live Beyond the Emotional Roller Coaster

    God invented feelings. He gave them to you to enhance your life; not to dominate it. Have you ever felt sky-high one moment and crashed down to earth the next? Listening to your feelings about your self-worth is a mistake. They are not the arbiter of truth. Your feelings cannot tell you who you are in Christ; only your will can do this. One of the seven manifestations of the fruit of the Holy Spirit is self-control. You have the ability, in Christ, to tell your feelings to be quiet. “I feel depressed. I feel God is angry at me. I feel stupid for praying out loud at church. I…

  • Faith Builders,  Health,  Mind,  Paul Backholer,  Soul

    There’s Nothing Wrong with You: The Power to Think Better

    There is nothing wrong with you. God created you in His image. There is no one like you on earth; not one with the same thoughts, ideas, feelings, experience, creativity and purpose. God chose you before the earth existed for a specific plan only you can accomplish. You are His workmanship. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made – Psalm 139:14 There may be something wrong with your thinking and choices, called sin, but you are more than your thoughts. God loves you, as you. However, there is a battle going on in your mind. Satan is bombarding you with thoughts designed to limit, hinder and…

  • Mind,  Paul Backholer

    Mental Health and the Struggle for Peace in Your Mind

    Do you feel overwhelmed with negative thoughts and feelings? “What’s the point? I’m rubbish at everything. Everyone hates me. I’m disgusting.” Many people feel their mind is swamped with fear, personal insecurity, doubt and self-loathing. Confronting these negative thought patterns and overcoming them is the battle of the mind. God is on your side. To begin, we must understand who our enemy is and what tactics he uses in this struggle for our mental health. In John 8:44, Jesus explains Satan is real and he is the father of all lies. He is the most effective liar in the world. Satan is not a cartoon character but an evil spirit.…