
Christian Peace and Victory in the Battle of the Mind

  • Faith Builders,  Mind,  Paul Backholer,  Soul

    What or who occupies your thought life?

    What or who occupies your thought life? If we are not cautious, a TV anchor, influencer, politician or celebrity could be the controlling puppet master of our thoughts! Have you encountered someone who has suddenly discovered a new idea? They’ve been on social media or streamed new video content and the thoughts of another now possess his or her mind. These ideas did not come from the individual listening but from the presenter. Millions of people are not thinking their own thoughts; they are repeating the ideas of others! Who is controlling your mind? Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking…

  • Faith Builders,  Health,  Mind,  Paul Backholer,  Soul

    The Battle in Your Head, Guard Your Mind Against Enemy Attack

    Your mind is like an airport. Thoughts are flying in from all directions and heading out. You may have a thought from a church meeting inside of you and suddenly off it goes, as an enemy thought lands. We need to allow the Holy Spirit to become our border force. He will teach us to send thoughts packing. He will remind us, “No entry,” for that thought. He will stop the negative, self-doubt, criticism, unbelief and backbiting thoughts from planting in our heart. The Holy Spirit is God in you. With your permission and obedience, He’ll send Satan’s thoughts out of your mind and prepare you for God’s thoughts to…

  • Faith Builders,  Health,  Mind,  Paul Backholer,  Soul,  Spiritual Warfare

    Satanic Lies and How to Defeat them in the Mind

    Everything Satan says is a lie; this is why Jesus refused to get into a debate with the father of lies. The devil will never speak truth to you, only deception. We must not entertain Satan. We must not draw a chair to the table of our heart and engage him in open debate. There is nothing to talk about. In Christ, I am a child of God. I am blessed and I am a new creation in Christ.

  • Faith Builders,  Jesus,  Mind,  Paul Backholer,  Soul

    There’s No Condemnation In Christ Jesus

    Satan uses condemnation to keep you afraid. He reminds you of the past – your mistakes, sins and mishaps. He accuses you of being foolish, spiritually immature, sinful and stupid. He wants to shame you into inaction, to lock you into yourself, afraid to act. There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit – Romans 8:1 As Satan is the father of lies, you can flip everything he’s saying to you. When he says, “I can’t believe you did that, you wicked sinner,” you can flip the lie into the truth. “I thank God…

  • Faith Builders,  Mind,  Paul Backholer,  Soul

    Peace of Mind – Think About What You Think About

    When was the last time you thought about, what your mind thinks about? Thoughts drop into our mind at all times and we must learn the habit of choosing what we think about. The person who controls your thoughts will ultimately control you. If you wake up and allow any concept to dominate your mind, someone else is taking charge of your destiny. We can allow the world, the flesh or the devil to control our thought life. Alternatively, we can allow the Holy Spirit, the Word of God or our will to channel what our mind dwells on. Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from…

  • Faith Builders,  Mind,  Paul Backholer,  Soul

    Comparison Kills Your Joy

    You will never do as well, as your imagination tells you others are doing. In our mind, we create an invented world of perfection for others. They have the best relationships, income and position of influence. We compare the full reality of our lives to the imagined perfection of another. It disappoints us. Your real life can never match to the dream world you believe others are living. You shall not covet your neighbour’s house; you shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbour’s – Exodus 20:17 Comparison is a mistake. Comparison kills joy. When…