Health and the Christian Life
Jesus and LGBT – What Did He Say?
To follow Jesus means accepting His judgment on sin, not redefining it. Jesus’ teachings on sex and marriage reflect a continuation of conservative Jewish theology rooted in the Torah, emphasising the sanctity of the male-female union as a Divine institution.
Abolishing Childhood: A Child’s Right to an Age of Innocence – Radical LGBTQ+ Education or Indoctrination
After the release of Dr Hilary Cass’ bombshell report demolishing the NHS’s entire gender treatment model, questions are being asked about how radical LGBTQ+ pressure groups have influenced medical care, education and the culture. Long-held standards that once defined truth for all and societal norms have faced increasing challenges over the past century, with a significant shift in recent years.
How Can I Sleep Better At Night – Reclaiming Your Sleep
God will intervene in our sleep lives and supply the beloved rest we need, if we welcome the Holy Spirit to take charge. There are also practical steps we can take.
Can Boys Become Girls? Gender Dysphoria: Is it Rooted in Childhood Abuse, Social Contagion or Confusion?
A shocking report from the Biden administration reveals that underlying trauma, including childhood abuse, occupies a significant role in the mental health crisis that is disproportionately affecting LGBT+ people.
Homosexuality, Promiscuity and the Collapse of Society: Follow the Science
What historical evidence is there to support the claim that societies which embrace promiscuity, homosexuality and variations of LGBT+ expression will decline?
Grief Doesn’t End with a Funeral
Grief silences the seasons and slams the breaks on life. When the silence ends and people go back to their real lives, then we must face what grief really means – the empty chair, the silence and a new desolate life. At this moment, grief can rush in like a tide and sweep us out into the sea of darkness.
Is Being Woke Christian or Antichrist?
Woke ideology rules by fear. If you don’t obey, you will be cancelled. As an unacknowledged religion, the woke faith evangelises the world with its own antichrist doctrines, acts of worship, commands to proselytise and protests.
What is a Woman? And why it Matters to Christians
In the US Senate Judiciary Committee hearings for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, she was asked, “Can you provide a definition for the word woman?” This accomplished female was unable to provide a definition. How can you defend women’s rights in the Supreme Court of the United States, if you’re not certain what a woman is? Being a woman is not a feeling; it’s God’s gift. The Lord defines us by the truth of who we are, not by the confusion we feel.
Why Abortion is Wrong
A civilised society accepts that it’s never right to intentionally take an innocent human life, but the elite has always tried to change the definition of personhood to ‘solve the problem’ of unwanted people.
The Battle in Your Head, Guard Your Mind Against Enemy Attack
Your mind is like an airport. Thoughts are flying in from all directions and heading out. You may have a thought from a church meeting inside of you and suddenly off it goes, as an enemy thought lands. We need to allow the Holy Spirit to become our border force. He will teach us to send thoughts packing. He will remind us, “No entry,” for that thought. He will stop the negative, self-doubt, criticism, unbelief and backbiting thoughts from planting in our heart. The Holy Spirit is God in you. With your permission and obedience, He’ll send Satan’s thoughts out of your mind and prepare you for God’s thoughts to…