Christianity in Britain – The First Christians in Britannia
Christianity spread with word of mouth in Britain. The Church Father Tertullian states Christianity greatly impacted Britain: ‘The haunts of the Britons, inaccessible to the Romans, but subjugated to Christ,’ he declared. According to Tertullian, Christianity spread further than the Roman occupation in Britannia ever did, perhaps far into Scotland.
Rees Howells: Worship as Warfare and Prophetic Declarations of Praise in the Heavenlies – The Legacy of Vision Hymns
Rees Howells embraced worship as warfare and participated in it daily. The Holy Spirit taught him the power of prophetic declarations. As a unique powerhouse of faith, intercession and prophetic praise, Rees Howells and his intercessors composed and compiled a selection of songs, hymns, declarations and poems.
Rees Howells and the Welsh Revival
The Welsh Revival beginning in 1904 swept throughout Wales, transforming communities as thousands flooded into the body of Christ. Through repentance and faith, they forced the powers of darkness back as the Kingdom of God advanced forcefully.
Samuel Rees Howells, The Quiet Intercessor
Samuel Rees Howells or “Mr Samuel” as he was affectionately called by students and staff members of the Bible College of Wales (BCW) was born in 1912 in Brynamman, a mining village near Swansea, South Wales, UK. Before his birth, the Lord gave Rees and Lizzie Howells his name – ‘Samuel.’ There were similarities in his life, to the Samuel he was named after in the Bible. His mother’s middle name was Hannah and he too was to be dedicated to the Lord by his mother on the altar of sacrifice. They called his name Samuel, saying, “Because I have asked for him from the Lord” – 1 Samuel 1:20…