Genuine Heaven-Sent Revival Versus the Counterfeit
Revival is a visitation of the Holy Spirit, a quickening, a bringing to life. It is God rending the Heavens and coming down, the hills melting like wax before His presence.
Jean Darnell’s Revival Vision 1967
During 1967, American evangelist Jean Darnall, on her first trip to England had the last of three recurring visions. In these visions she was looking down upon the United Kingdom, having a birds-eye view of the British Isles.
Christian Books UK Stock Clearance
ByFaith Media has a massive stock clearance on books including signed copies! Whether you are interested in the life of Rees Howells, want to learn more about revival or are even planning your first short-term mission, we have a bargain for you! View all clearance here.
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