Jesus and LGBT – What Did He Say?
To follow Jesus means accepting His judgment on sin, not redefining it. Jesus’ teachings on sex and marriage reflect a continuation of conservative Jewish theology rooted in the Torah, emphasising the sanctity of the male-female union as a Divine institution.
Abolishing Childhood: A Child’s Right to an Age of Innocence – Radical LGBTQ+ Education or Indoctrination
After the release of Dr Hilary Cass’ bombshell report demolishing the NHS’s entire gender treatment model, questions are being asked about how radical LGBTQ+ pressure groups have influenced medical care, education and the culture. Long-held standards that once defined truth for all and societal norms have faced increasing challenges over the past century, with a significant shift in recent years.
Can Boys Become Girls? Gender Dysphoria: Is it Rooted in Childhood Abuse, Social Contagion or Confusion?
A shocking report from the Biden administration reveals that underlying trauma, including childhood abuse, occupies a significant role in the mental health crisis that is disproportionately affecting LGBT+ people.
Homosexuality, Promiscuity and the Collapse of Society: Follow the Science
What historical evidence is there to support the claim that societies which embrace promiscuity, homosexuality and variations of LGBT+ expression will decline?
The National Trust’s Woke Crisis
The National Trust is in trouble. Volunteers are discreetly leaving, staff are losing their jobs, patrons are annoyed and some properties remained closed. This guardian of Britain’s treasures has been unassumingly drawn into America’s woke political war, without asking its patrons if they desire this divisive and selective reading of history.