Claim God’s Protection from the devil and his demons – The Gates of Hell shall not Prevail!
Lord, each day I praise You for raising a standard against the enemy. He cannot prevail against me, my family and the true Church...
A Prayer to Overcome Social Anxiety, Fear and Panic Attacks
My Saviour Jesus Christ, I thank You I have not been given a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. I rebuke all forms of fear in Jesus’ name and declare I will not submit to and be ruled by you. All fear, doubt and negative thoughts must leave me and submit to the authority of Jesus.
Daily Biblical Confessions to release God’s blessing into your life. Spiritual Warfare, a new book by Paul Backholer
Introducing Spiritual Warfare the new bible-based daily devotional from Paul Backholer. Spiritual Warfare contains powerful prayers, declarations and decrees to release God’s blessing into every area of your life, and to break the powers of darkness over you and your family.
Rees Howells’ God Challenges the Dictators Book Review by Gordon Pettie
Not only did Rees Howells pray through to victory in World War II, but his book on dictators was even sent to Hitler. Wrote Gordon Pettie in his latest book review for HEART.