Walk the Bible
Walk the Bible Episodes: Explore the Bible Lands, Decode Secrets & Mysteries, Discover the Bible and Archaeology
Evidence for Solomon’s Temple – Ten Finds in Biblical Archaeology
Solomon's Temple was real. Biblical archaeology provides us with plenty of evidence that Solomon’s Temple existed. Discover the top ten great finds of biblical archaeology to prove that the First Temple once stood on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Israel.
Biblical Archaeology: Top Ten Discoveries
Biblical archaeology provides us with a rich source of confirmations to prove that the Bible is trustworthy. Discover ten of the greatest finds to prove that Holy Scripture is given to us from God.
The Third Temple in Jerusalem Israel
Breaking news from Jerusalem, Israel, preparations for the Third Temple are accelerating at a breathtaking pace. Join us, as we unveil shocking blueprints and stunning 3D animations that bring the 3rd Jewish Temple to life!