Mathew Backholer
Articles by Mathew Backholer
Genuine Heaven-Sent Revival Versus the Counterfeit
Revival is a visitation of the Holy Spirit, a quickening, a bringing to life. It is God rending the Heavens and coming down, the hills melting like wax before His presence.
Understanding Christian Healing, George Jeffreys Healing Evangelist
The gifts of healing are amongst the nine miraculous gifts that are distributed to the Church by the Holy Spirit. The word healing suggests a gradual recovery, and many are restored in this way. Another among the nine gifts is the working of miracles, which suggests an immediate Divine interposition so that a person is instantly healed. In our Lord’s ministry, there were these two kinds of healing - George Jeffreys.
Why Doesn’t God Heal Everyone? A Right or a Sign?
God wants to bless His creation and people can be healed in Jesus’ mighty name. Some Christians say healing is a right, others state it is a sign.
Seeking Healing, Seeking God, Saved and Healed – Sozo
Smith Wigglesworth was used mightily in signs and wonders. His theology on healing was: “There is healing through the blood of Christ and deliverance for every captive. God never intended His children to live in misery because of some affliction that comes directly from the devil. A perfect atonement was made at Calvary. I believe that Jesus bore my sins, and I am free from them all. I am justified from all things if I dare to believe. He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sickness; and if I dare believe, I can be healed.”
Are Short Term Mission Trips Effective?
A minority of Christians claim that short-term missions are a waste of finances. There are many and varied reasons why some hold to this point of view, but can we quantify a price for a soul?
What is a Mission Trip?
The Devil would love to convince you that all this mission stuff isn’t for you. The Devil is a liar and you know it!
Jean Darnell’s Revival Vision 1967
During 1967, American evangelist Jean Darnall, on her first trip to England had the last of three recurring visions. In these visions she was looking down upon the United Kingdom, having a birds-eye view of the British Isles.
Rees Howells: Worship as Warfare and Prophetic Declarations of Praise in the Heavenlies – The Legacy of Vision Hymns
Rees Howells embraced worship as warfare and participated in it daily. The Holy Spirit taught him the power of prophetic declarations. As a unique powerhouse of faith, intercession and prophetic praise, Rees Howells and his intercessors composed and compiled a selection of songs, hymns, declarations and poems.
Money for your Short-Term Missions
Many Christians who go on a short-term mission (STMs) are happy to ask their church or fellow believers for financial support towards the trip. However, some may not feel able to ask for money towards their STM or like Abraham, after rescuing Lot, he refused the spoils of war from the King of Sodom, thus not allowing the king any opportunity to boast that he had made Abraham rich (Genesis 14:12-24). You may be surprised how many individuals or churches give small amounts towards STMs or nothing at all and then boast as if they entirely supported the mission team!
The English Language and the Bible, Common English sayings from Scripture
Most English-speaking people unknowingly pepper their speech with Scriptural citations which shape the English Language.